Forum:Koa'ki Meiru / Anti-Meta Deck - Need Advice!

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I know, redundant. Especially as Koa'ki Meiru's are anti-meta in the first place, right?

But bear with me. The idea was to select some core Koa'ki Meiru monsters, and then fold in some other anti-meta monsters for additional fun. Here's my first attempt.

Other cards I was considering were: D.D. Assailant, Prime Material Dragon, Raiza the Storm Monarch, Protector of the Sanctuary, Neo-Spacian Dark Panther and Koa'ki Meiru Powerhand. And I feel like I should add another high-level monster.

I'd also like to get Shrink or Burden of the Mighty in there, but I'm not quite sure what to take out for either of them.

Comments? Suggestions?

--Kungfu-mama 15:26, November 25, 2009 (UTC)

I say drop Chiron the Mage for 2 Koa'ki Meiru Powerhands, or some more Shadow Monarchs.--Helix-king 16:44, November 26, 2009 (UTC)

  • --Kungfu-mama 01:19, November 28, 2009 (UTC)
You'd probably want to side deck the Chirons. They're the best way until Koa'ki Meiru Urknight comes out to maintain Crusader (just about the lynchpin card of a good Koa'ki Meiru deck), they're beatsticks, and it's got an amazing effect (that can be activated by discarding the Core itself). Meanwhile, you should probably include the awesome Koa'ki Meiru Rooklord. Runer5h 01:28, November 28, 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Revised Deck

Here's another take on the deck.

UP to 43 total cards now. Comments? Suggestions? --Kungfu-mama 14:37, November 28, 2009 (UTC)

  • Take a look at my user page and check out my Koa'Ki Meiru deck. It is and aggressive, anti meta deck that uses the RFG elements of Maximus and Ghoulungulate. It uses Return from the D.D. for an OTK and Escape to summon one of the RFGed monsters. IT uses hte Anti meta element to lockdown the opponents moves so you can set up your plays. Ghoulungualte is protection from everything and Maximus is a very easy beatstick to special summon and also has a once per turn removal effect for any card. Stronger Koa'Ki Meirus like Drago make sure your opponent doesnt summon any DAD or JD they might have and Tornado is to clear the field of any GB's. Odds are most of them will have been tagged in so you will clear their field. Valley is to stall and draw cards and Kycoo is the imperial iron wall of the deck but in monster form (which i recommend because the deck needs a stable monster in there other than koa ki meirus). Wait, all this is on my user page>:( That sucks. Oh well, dont bother reading the strategy explanation under the deck then. NYKid8295 17:37, November 28, 2009 (UTC)
Escape from the Dark Dimension in Koa'ki Meirus? It only works on DARK monsters. Runer5h 17:59, November 28, 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Another Update

Deck (above) is now down to 42 cards. Side-decked Koa'ki Meiru Hydro Barrier in hopes that Koa'ki Meiru Tornado would cover its loss. Traded Giant Trunade for D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation because of Koa'ki Meiru Rooklord's effect. Decide to put Neo-Spacian Grand Mole in my side-deck, along with Chiron the Mage. Comments? Suggestions?