Forum:Koa'ki Meiru Deck Recipe

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I was somewhat tempted to try making a K-Meiru deck and try them out since after seeing them used some personally by some people; I kinda took a like to their style of play.

My problem is..I'm not exactly sure what is considered a "staple" in a K-Meiru deck, and what cards are just kinda situational..depending on the deck you make.

From what I can see for a offensive style deck. You would use X3 Urnknight, X3 Crusader, X2/3 Boulder, Then you can use w/e other K-meiru's you wanted to go with I suppose...most seem to lean towards maximus. The Magic Trap Lineup I'm a tad unsure which to go with. Like...should I use Gigantes to make use of the earths in the grave and use core luster....or not use gigantes for something else and go with reckoned power. Little things like that,lol..

So maybe if someone can give me some info on the deck style and recommended cards,I would appreciate it.

JaliceDakari 17:10, May 1, 2010 (UTC)JaliceDakari

I'd say 3 Guardian, 2 Sandman. They're amazing. Oh, and once Koa'ki Meiru Prototype is released in the Shining Darkness, you may want to run that too.
As for the S/T lineup... 3 Cores, obviously. I also recommend 3 Core Transport Unit, for super-quick searching. Perhaps some copies of Core Overclock would be useful too, to help your monsters beat up synchros. Oh, and of course Mystical Space Typhoon, etc. Some good trap cards include Compulsory Evacuation Device, Bottomless Trap Hole, Dimensional Prison], and also some copies of Starlight Road because you'll be running all those continuous spells.
So, basically, something like this - you won't want to use this exact decklist, though, as it's a bit off-the-top-of-my-head.
Again, made this up off the top of my head, but who knows - it might just work. Runer5h 18:02, May 1, 2010 (UTC)Runer5h

Well it does look somewhat similar to the deck i roughly tried to make for them.

I'll have to edit some cards obviously simply due to pre-shinning darkness, but regardless..that shouldn't hurt it too much. My question offhand though would 3 transport units needed? As...once you draw into the cores..its relatively easy to recycle them and use them as needed; and so..wouldn't the card outlive its use being used X3 once you have the cores? Only card I could see it being used with after you got the cores you need is urgent synthesis..since it returns a core in the grave to the you could cycle those in a sense.

Also, is the field card useful you figure? I tried it out some myself to combo with like..crusader and urnknight; reveal for the field..let crusader/urknight die..get back one or the other to reveal for the one you let live..that way you don't lose a core and search out a new monster in its place to re-use..more so if you can run something over with crusader and get back what you let get destroyed.

Just for shits and giggles though..wonder if you could tech spiritual art- earth in the deck to simply cycle thru all the lvl 4 earths in the grave; or atk a 2nd time during the bp,etc.

P.S- I would maybe lean towards using bergzak post shinning darkness for offense, tho having to use pre-shinning darkness cards still atm, so :P

JaliceDakari 18:35, May 1, 2010 (UTC)JaliceDakari