Forum:Legionnaire Aklys

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I normal summon Dragunity Legionnaire and equipt it with Dragunity Aklys. I then send Aklys to the graveyard to destroy my opponent's monster (the only card on his field). He has Meklord Emperor Granel in his hand - can he special summon it at that point, or does Aklys's effect activate first, forcing me to destroy one of my cards. If the second option, can he then special summon the Emperor after Aklys's effect resolves?--S1L3N7 N1GH7S (talkcontribs) 22:12, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

I think Granel will missing his timing, since he said "When..."... --FredCat 22:18, February 14, 2012 (UTC)
SEGOC would apply. Aklys would go on Chain Link 1 since you are the turn player. Granel would go on chain link 2. Resolve backwards: Granel gets summoned. However, Aklys targets, so you would have to pick one of your cards before Granel gets chained. --> Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 22:47, February 14, 2012 (UTC)
This might already imply the answer to my question, that deals with how effects that cannot miss their timing (mandatory and "if" effects) resolve, but this is a good example, so I might as well make sure once and for all. Maybe I just misinterpret it, but the Cost site states that costs are paid BEFORE a card's activation whereas I always believed that it's ON activation. Like in the scenario above, imagine you have Dragunity Legionnaire equipped with Dragunity Aklys on the field and activate Legionnaire's effect. How are the effects resolved?
A) You send Aklys to the Graveyard as a cost. It fulfills the condition for its effect, so it becomes Chain Link 1. Now, Legionnaire's effect actually activates and becomes Chain Link 2.
B) You send Aklys to the Graveyard as a cost to start a chain with Legionnaire's effect. If no other effects are activated, it is the first and only chain link and resolves normally, destroying the targeted monster. Afterwards, Aklys' effect starts a new chain.
Which of the two scenarios is the correct one? -- Dreynamil 20:28, February 15, 2012 (UTC)
B is the correct scenario. --> Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 21:07, February 15, 2012 (UTC)