Forum:Mausoleum of emperor & phantom of chaos

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costs are still paid to activate any gained effects with phantom of chaos correct? for example, i remove sky scourge norleras with phantom. must i pay 1 grand to activate the gained effect? i believe the answer is yes, since the card specifies that phantom "..gains that monsters effect(s).." and i always assumed that with any gained effect you still needed to meet the cost, if applicable.

also, if i use the effect of mausoleum of the emperor to summon a monster, can that monster's summon be negated with the likes of solemn judgement? i believe mausoleum is a continuous effect but need clarification.

mopprecciate it,

À Nazias Kram Ā

1) Yes, you still pay any costs. With Sky Scourge Norleras' effect, you still have to pay 1000 LP.
2) The effect of Mausoleum of the Emperor starts a chain. Monsters Tribute Normal Summoned by means of the effect of MotE can still have their Summon negated, since they are considered Tribute Normal Summoned as usual. --Darth Covah (Talk | Contribs) 15:03, 3 August 2009 (UTC)
2) Since Mausoleum of the Emperor's effect starts a chain, I'd say that the monster is summoned by Mausoleum of the Emperor's effect (during its resolution), which means cards like Solemn Judgment cannot be activated to negate the summon in the middle of resolving an effect. Similar to Ultimate Offering! ATEMVEGETA (Talk) 15:34, 3 August 2009 (UTC)
In the OCG, "Solemn Judgment" can negate the Normal Summon of a monster by "Mausoleum of the Emperor", similar to how it can negate the Synchro Summon of a monster by "Urgent Tuning". This is because "Mausoleum of the Emperor" does not actually Summon anything - immediately after it resolves, you perform the Normal Summon. It is similar to "Last Turn" or "Last Will".
In the TCG, "Mausoleum of the Emperor" itself is Special Summoning the monster, so "Solemn Judgment" cannot negate it.
--Deus Ex Machina (Talk) 21:02, 3 August 2009 (UTC)
Weird OCG ruling! And a correction: Mausoleum of the Emperor normal summons the monster, not special summons it! ATEMVEGETA (Talk) 22:38, 3 August 2009 (UTC)

thank you both. the dynamic duo strikes again!! Seriously, i trust the two of you above all others on the subject of rulings.

À Nazias Kram Ā