Forum:Miracle Flipper Q

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I'm a little hazy with Miracle Flipper's ruling. So if its destroyed by battle it gets summoned to my opponent's side. If i destroy it by battle does it come back to my side of the field? from Yigiter007 20:05, December 2, 2009 (UTC)

I'd assume that since it's in your Graveyard (or your removed cards) You control the effect and it's summoned to your opponent's field again. A little help, Delta? Deus? Atem? Sabre Knight 21:58, December 2, 2009 (UTC)

  • "Sabre Knight"'s answer is correct! ATEMVEGETA (Talk) 22:54, December 2, 2009 (UTC)

On the ruling's page for miracle flipper it says the effect that summons it activates in the end step of the battle phase, so correct me if i'm wrong so it never goes to the graveyard. Thus just goes to the (current) opponent's side of the field. from Yigiter007 17:30, December 5, 2009 (UTC)

The End Step occurs much, much later than the Damage Step. The End Step is when effects like those of "Gladiator Beast" monsters activate. The monsters were already destroyed by battle during the Damage Step, so they are already in the Graveyard. --Deus Ex Machina (Talk) 20:05, December 5, 2009 (UTC)