Forum:Multiple effect in a chain, confusion

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In tcg ruling if this sittuation would happen. First you're the turn player, you have sangan equiped with malovelant nuzzler, and you're opponent have sangan, and you decided to discard 5 card from you're hand to activated final destination to destroy all cards on the field which order the two sangan and malovelant nozzler would be chain?( you can also give the ruling for ocg if it is different) (talk) 23:13, March 18, 2012 (UTC)

If you mean Final Destiny and Malevolent Nuzzler. Then if you read SEGOC, you would see:
Chain Link 1: Sangan (Turn Player Mandatory)
Chain Link 2: Sangan (Opponent Mandatory)
Chain Link 3: Malevolent Nuzzler (Turn Player Optional)
-Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 12:13, March 19, 2012 (UTC)