Forum:My Formula Monarch Deck

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I really need help improving my deck.

—This unsigned comment was made by Quickdraw123 (talkcontribs) 16:37, 8 April 2011 (UTC)

Too bad Dandylion is now limited or i would have recommended that deck for formula :P associating monarch with formula I really don't know how to help

First up, your deck is 38 cards,

Next, i'd recomend dropping 1 Ronintoadin, 1 Spirit Reaper, as they are too slow for your deck, and you only need 2 Toadin at most, as well as 2x Mobius the Frost Monarch, for

+1 Caius the Shadow Monarch, +2 Raiza the Storm Monarch, 2 Genex Undine & 2 Genex Controller to get Fishborg Blaster to grave faster,

Hope that's usefull-Resk (Talk) 11:59, April 12, 2011 (UTC)