Forum:My body as a shield vs my body as a shield

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Can you activated my body as a shield in response to your opponent's My body as a shield? (talk) 23:06, June 11, 2013 (UTC)

Yes, since "My Body as a Shield" do destroying the triggering card that destroyed the designated monster (not saying Target, it don't Target...) But be sure that you have to paying 1500 LP to using it effect. --iFredCat 23:08, June 11, 2013 (UTC)

FredCat: it depends on the situation, if the first "my body as a shield" negated the activation of a spell, or trap card, that destroy a monster(s), your oppnent's cannot activated his "my body as a shield" to your "My body as a shield" because the first one is destroying spell, or trap card, not monster card. If the first my body as a shield negated the activation of a flip summoned man-eater bug, then your opponent can activated his "my body as a shield" in response to your "my body as shield" because the first "my body as a shield" negates the activation and destroy man-eater bug. (talk) 21:19, June 12, 2013 (UTC)

Or simple put. Is the first My Body As a Shield negating monster effect? Then yes. Otherwise, no. DexxIsBack (talkcontribs) 05:33, June 13, 2013 (UTC)