Forum:Need Major Deck Help

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Ok I need to edit this deck and I am getting no help. I have been Told to put certain cards in but no one tells me where to put them making it useless. so if someone could do a complete fix that would be great.

Dragon Synchro

Well if you need heelp with a dragon synchro deck. why not try mine out for size? when i look at your build...i see no way to really stay offense. i hope this helps



Extra Deck14

Now this set up is the one i have. You see it is similar to hopeless dragon. you summon many lvl 8 monsters, such as stardust and colossal which is easily done via summoner monk. Rare metal dragon is easily summoned by the monk or the REDMD. it is also used for allure. Trade in and allure are your draw cards. i added black rose and dark strike bc you could monster reborn an lvl 3 tuner and summon one. dark strike would be the best bet bc combined with REDMD, you always have monsters to tribute for damage. Trident dragion is a the last chance you have to win. when all else fails... attack a grand total of 3 times, thats 9000 attack, for that one turn. i hope this set up helps. i know its very different from what you had but it had no draw power and no swarmin abilities. it had no kill situation either. i hope i didnt offend you.--Duelest 101 22:26, 21 June 2009 (UTC)