Forum:Need help finding a new deck

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so what im asking is i need a new deck to build . im after a deck i can compete with so far i have made a jurrac deck ( beatdown) and a flamvell ( quick syncro) and now im after a new deck and i need help finding one the problem is picking it . i want to do commpetive so tornerments and such but also to play with. my friends deck i dont stand a chance against because they have higher tier deck 6 sams , psychic's and glad beasts. im thinking about a swarm deck like the X Sabers but the problem with them is XX Saber Darksoul £35 each also price will affect me deck in quite a away . Dragunitys seem like a good deck but Dragunity Phalanx is £15 and you need 3 :/

here is the list ive decided upon X Sabers Dragunitys Scarp Lightsworn

your imputs will be greatly appreciated also any other decks you would recommend would be helpful

Go with Scarp! Here's a Decklist:
Too bad Searcher and Granel can't spawn off the same nuke. Side Tyrant's Temper, Wild Tornado and Imperial Iron Wall, and maybe Chain Dog. (talk) 00:19, May 25, 2011 (UTC)

Erm...Scrap...not Scarp. Any good Scrap Deck needs three copies of Scrap Dragon and two of Archfiend since that's all you can make with Chimera (the main card).BobaFett2 (talk)

Obviously Unregistered User is making fun of the OP's typo... I think it was quite funny, and appreciate the effort put into making the joke. At any rate, I think Field Spells are not such a good idea, so I would eliminate the entire Geartown engine (Geartown, the Dragon, Magical Hats) and also remove the Meklord Fortresses. That will make room for another Scarp Beast ( =P ) or 2, as well as more useful Spells and Traps such as Book of Moon, Bottomless Trap Hole, Seven Tools of the Bandit, Dimensional Prison, etc. I also agree on the Extra Deck changes... To make room I would cut out Gottoms and Ancient Fairy Dragon. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 19:03, May 25, 2011 (UTC)

LTVoid (talkcontribs) 21:21, May 27, 2011 (UTC) sorry but that deck isnt good im not to happy mixing cards like scraps and meklords anyone else with better suggetions maybe a list of tier decks ? Check this for what's good. There's also a good Scrap list in there. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 22:32, May 27, 2011 (UTC)