Forum:Need help with trading black rose

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I'm planning on trading my Blackrose Dragon Holographic rare with Goyou Guardian ultra rare and light and darkness dragon. isit fair enough? >< or maybe goyou guardian and stardust.

I dont understand the question. If you mean "I am trading my holographic rare Black Rose Dragon for Goyo Guardian and Light and Darkness Dragon or Stardust Dragon." then yes, it is a good deal. Shoukatsuryou 06:12, 11 May 2009 (UTC)

yeah , tahts exactly what i meant. but is the deal too one sided?

By "one sided" if you mean that the person giving you the Goyo Guardian, Stardust Dragon/Light and Darkness Dragon is giving you to much, then yeah, I guess, but its him thats getting ripped off, not you. Shoukatsuryou 22:03, 11 May 2009 (UTC)

what if i want to make a blackwing deck, what are the cards should i trade it with? armour master and something?