Forum:Neo Space HELP!

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This is my neos deck, it needs a little bit of help from the expert(u guys,lol) so any help I would really apreciate:

{{Decklist|Neo Space

|color = white |color2 = black




This is my deck, feel free to recommend me any card that can be of assistance to this deck's objective which is getting the W!


I forgot to post my name, Rare Hunter28


Insert non-formatted text here

What do you all think of this deck? what does it need?Rare Hunter28 14:33, 2 August 2008 (UTC)

If you remove the Chrysalis monsters and max the Neo-spacians it will be a lot better. ;)


  • Thanks dude I really appreciate the help, I'll upload the deck modifications! Rare Hunter28 14:53, 2 August 2008 (UTC)

Call of the Haunted is banned. Remove all Chrysalis and Flare Scarab, Max out Neos and the rest of the Neo Spacians except Mole. Take out ROTA. Add Ancient Rules(2 or 3, take your pick.) Add Monster Reborn. Take out Convert Contact and Common Soul for Contact Out. Take out Chrysalis related magic cards and replace them with Terraforming and Field Barrier. Take out Neo's Force and Fake Hero. Fill the rest of the spots with Traps that stop attacks or magic cards that help control the field. 22:39, 2 August 2008 (UTC)

The deck is good! here is an advice

Try a deck with 2 neo spacians that can triple contact fuse. magma neos is an example use 3 scarab and 1 mole then use ufo turtle and sangan to search them. for neos search try stratos and e emrgency call. Also try non neos card for support breaker dd warrior lady cyber dragon morphing jar they work really well give it a try and have fun with a more competitive neos deck.

Elemental Hero Prisma, Hero Mask and Wrath of Neos gives big support to Neo-decks. BTW, Reinforcements of the army is limited and premiature burial is banned. Ancientgearking 13:28, April 17, 2010 (UTC)