Forum:New Dark World

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I'm still testing this, but so far it is quite good. If you want to take a test against it, feel free to pm me at DN (just dest).

After Grapha is discarded just keep on summoning any low level from the hand and bounce it to summon him. Basicly he summons himself over and over and over again when he leaves the field that way. Celri is great, just discard him and let one of the dark worlds second effect go off. He is also great with Rivalry, beside the fact, that this trap seals off decks like plant synchro it seals even more with celri only allowing the summon of fiends. That way you can easily lock the opponent until you set up yourself. And the new Snow, what a searcher. Not only he searches dark world monsters but also cards like DW Dealings, DW Lightning, Gateway to DW, Gate of the DW...

Speaking of it, this new field spell is just the best. +300 att and def for my fiends and I can draw + discard once per turn, that is just great. And unlike DW Dealings it doesn't let the opponent draw.

Skill Drain has already saved me from cards like brionac and trishula and had let me mirror forced 2 Ancient Gear Dragons. The only downside of it is, that celri doesn't work with it (the only dark world card that doesn't work with it Oo) but it wasn't in my way so far.

btw, I didn't feel like putting mst in it so far, I have plenty of destruction with goldd and grapha (the second effect of goldd is easy to pull off with celri).

So, tell me what you think of it and please give me some suggestions for synchros. Speaking of which, I just noticed Chaos King Archfiend as a good input. -dest- (talkcontribs) 17:59, June 23, 2011 (UTC)

-1 Wisel -1 Chaos Sorcerer -1 Raven -1 Goldd +1 Broww +2 Tour Guide -2 Rivarly of Warlords -1 Gateway +3 Terraforming -2 Skill Drain +2 MST (talk) 00:49, June 25, 2011 (UTC)

uhm... can you please explain why i should take out the 4 cards that are the reason for half of my wins? (rivalry and skill drain).

Thanks for the tour guide tipp, great combo: tour guide -> broww -> grapha.

As for wisel to take out... I don't know, he saves my ass in about every fourth duel... -dest- (talkcontribs) 03:06, June 25, 2011 (UTC)

every fourth isn't good enough. Side him. If you're XYZ/Synchro Spamming like you should, then you shouldn't be using Rivalries. Skill Drain is understandble but don't run it with Tour Guides and Raven. I think you missed Tour Guide's true greatness. Search itself, Sangan, or Broww, instant R3 XYZ. (talk) 06:42, June 25, 2011 (UTC)

ok, I see. Sadly I have no xyz available until DN includes them, so that option is nothing for me atm. During testing i noticed, that I hardly synchro anything. Perhaps 1 stardust, 1 fabled or 1 chaos king archfiend in between, bot those get removed quite quickly (beside the fact that they are also fiend except stardust). I haven't noticed any difficulty in activating that trap whenever I want. Besides, with fabled synchros + chaos king I have level 10, 8, 7 and 5 synchro available, that is good enough.

The true strengt of this deck is the constant spam of grapha from the grave, not synchro, the opponent just can't get rid of it if I have a low level dark world in the hand and/or I can discard the others.

You are right, tour guide doesn't work with skill drain... perhaps I side tour guide or skill drain, depending on the situation. -dest- (talkcontribs) 13:02, June 25, 2011 (UTC)

-Granel (few uses), -2 Skill Drain (stops Jar, Celri, Raven), -2 Gateway to Dark World (you can't Special Summon anything else), +2 Dark World Lightning, + Giant Trunade, + 2 Mystical Space Typhoon, -2 Rivalry of Warlords (side it but don't main it as it proves useless against some of the better decks), +2 Dimensional Prison, -1 Chaos Sorcerer, +1 Torrential Tribute.BobaFett2 (talk)

don't judge too fast about gateway, just use it in your opponents end phase and you are fine, then the restriction doesn't harm you. Else, thanks. -dest- (talkcontribs) 13:44, June 25, 2011 (UTC)

...I never noticed gateway was quickplay... I'll need to look mine out, but now i'd suggest you drop you Call of the Haunted, and maybe get a 3rd Gate to Dark World
-Resk () 23:20, June 25, 2011 (UTC)

I disagree. Although the monster summoned by Call is "bound" to it, so to speak, it has more uses than Gateway to DW, since it can revive a non-DW monster, as well as be used during your own turn without the drawback of being unable to summon. In a situation where your draw is unknown, it can be better to wait until your turn to activate the card, so that you know you can do something with the revived monster. I would say to have at least 1 Gateway before running Call, but since you have two I would stick with 2 Gateway to DW and one Call. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 02:57, June 26, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, I agree with Lappyzard.BobaFett2 (talk)

Also, you can revive a Dark World and return it to your hand to Special Summon Grapha, giving you another use of Call of the Haunted if someone uses Giant Trunade.BobaFett2 (talk)

Well here's what I think:

--SilentHero26 (talkcontribs) 17:54, June 26, 2011 (UTC)

I agree in regards to Skill Drain, Chaos Sorcerer, Meklord Emperors, Pot of Avarice (but not Reckless Greed, personally I think Reckless is an awful card and I hate it), and MST. I disagree, however, on Imperial Iron Wall and Terraforming. The only reason to run Terraforming is if you have 3 of the Field and want more, and you're suggesting running 2 Fields and 1 Terraforming (unless you meant Gateway instead of Gate)? Imperial Iron Wall conflicts with the Field Spell, and the Field is something DW rely on. It would be like running Monster Reborn/Call of the Haunted in GK's. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 18:47, June 26, 2011 (UTC)

thanks for all the suggestions, i'm now about to find a middle way between them and my personal preferences:

1) Some time ago I decided to main a mecklord in every of my decks. Beside Mill or perhaps burn decks I don't know any deck that doesn't run monster destruction, and if it would only be mirror/torrential/dark hole. I think I'll add a torrential, that way I have 2 cards of myself to trigger its effect. The worst he ever was was an additional card for card destruction to get a better hand^^
2) Although I'm still about to decide what exactly to put in my side deck it was sure from the beginning that I side Iron Wall. It may shut down the field spell a little, but there is absolutly nothing that could beat it against Macro decks. And I already encountered 3 of them. Sadly only in single duels, despite being shut down by rivalry and skill drain I had no chance because I simply can't discard anything to the grave. Even double mst didn't help.
3) I draw really fast through my deck. I've never found myself with chaos sorc dead. He stays, although I banish him to the side deck. One card that was a bit more usefull then him so far was rivalry, which is the reason he gets there. Oh, and because I already have more than enough draw power and I also don't like reckless at all it stays out ;)
4) The field spell is great, but I'd only add terra if I have space for it. The summon power of grapha is mostly good enough. So unless I can get rid of 4 or more cards...
5) Skill drain definitly stays, but I'll try it in the side for now.
6) A single dw lightning doesn't hurt. It not only gets rid of face down s/t, it can also get rid of face down monsters. And can be searched out by snow, just in case.

Ok, so far so good, here is the new decklist:

Side: Chaos Sorcerer, Fabled Raven, Mystical Space Typhoon, 2xSeven Tools of the Bandit, 2xSkill Drain, 3xImperial Iron Wall

That how it looks so far. Any additional suggestions and comments are welcome :) -dest- (talkcontribs) 21:20, June 26, 2011 (UTC)

  • The reason of having a "Terraforming" while having 2 field cards is for deck thinning purposes only. Once you draw a field card and used it the remaining 2 will probably be dead draws (unless you continually losing the field card zone). It looked like you have 3 field spells but have a -1 in deck count, which is good.
  • While "Reckless Greed" may be awful here your field card covers up for its drawback. Stacking 3 of them will let you use your cards more often. "Allure of Darkness" isn't so bad also. But since "Gate of the Dark World" and other drawing engine it's reasonable to exclude those.
  • 3 "Fabled Raven" is a must. It's a tuner and swarms a lot of monsters. 2 seemed few. Why did you remove 1?
  • Yes. You can destroy face down monsters. But nowadays most deck usually has an aggressive nature that it rarely face down any monster. And because of "Dark World Lightning"'s unreliability at times that makes it bad. You may found yourself drawing it at the wrong time.

--SilentHero26 (talkcontribs) 09:19, June 27, 2011 (UTC)

I loose the field spell quite regularly, when there is no other field spell on the opponents side there is plenty of mst or the like which removes it most of the time. If I happen to get more field spells than I need I just draw for one, replace that with the other and draw another time in the same turn. So in either case, 3 is a must.

I don't need any more draw power, so it is fine as it is now. I thought about alure some time ago, but I just don't know if I ever need it or if it is worth to put it in as a 43rd card. Maybe I try reckless out some time, but not now. :)

I moved 1 to the side deck because I have so much else discard power. All in all I have 3x field, 3x dw dealings, dw lightning, 2 raven, morphing jar and card destruciton. 7 of those (field, lightning and dealings) are searchable with snow. That is all I need I think, even without raven I can summon 2-3 monsters in a turn with ease. Ok, it may happen that I find myself with monsters and nothing to discard or the other way around, but I didn't noticed any difference in the encounter of those situations between now and back then with 3 raven yet.

Sure, dw lightning isn't that useful without anything to discard in the hand, but it happens very rarely that I ever find myself without a dark world in the hand. And I face enough decks with rykos and spys... in the worst case I force my opponent to activate an s/t he don't want to yet, I just like it :) -dest- (talkcontribs) 10:53, June 27, 2011 (UTC)

You can't use Terraforming while you have no Field Spells in your deck. Better to just stick with at least three of the Field Spell. Even with Gate, Reckless Greed still isn't good and the chances of stacking three are low. You don't actually need three Fabled Raven in Dark Worlds. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter is always set, and Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo as well as Legendary Jujitsu Master are also set. You can destroy Spells and Traps (which are commonly set) and since very few meta Spells and Traps can be chained to Lightning you still get the discard. It's very reliable for Dark Worlds.BobaFett2 (talk)