Forum:New dragon build - Destruction Dragons

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that was my last dragon build , using as a powerful draw engine : Vanguard of the Dragon + Super Rejuvenation (discard as many dragons from your hand with vanguard, play super rejuv, drawing as many cards in the end phase, if yopu draw another super rejuv , you can activate it in the end phase and draw again, then keep spell and trap cards and discard dragons to the graveyard for the hand size limit) it has a lot of ways to fill the graveyard , to quickly summon FGD or revive powerful dragons with Red Eyes d.m.dragon. Strong Dragons with Piercing damage from Dragon's rage will lower quickly the opponent LP with all the hand advantage from the Super rejuvenations, you can protect your dragons with prime material dragon. for a good graveyard/hand combination , with future fusion (select fgd) send to the graveyard 3 white stones of legend (+ 3 blue eyes to your hand) and 2 totem dragons or 1 totem dragon 1 prime material , so , when you summon red eyes darkness metal dragon , if it's succesfully summoned you can revive prime material with red eyes effect and have it protected. also , starlight road get covered those mirror forces or lightining vortex, and gives a cool 2500 atk dragon :) yamata is an amazing accelerator (red eyes revives totem dragon , summon yamata, hit , back to the hand , and the next turn the same again) welll , i think that explains almost everything, what do you think?-- (talk) 20:29, December 11, 2010 (UTC)