Forum:Obelisk Garden ~~ Please Comment!

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My Shonen Jump came in today, and I noticed that Obelisk the Tormenter's effect says that Spell, Trap, and Monster Effects cannot be activated in responce to his Summon. This means that when if I Normal Summon my god, he won't be surrounded by the tendrils of Black Garden. I think everyone here knows how much I love Plant type monsters, and can see where I'm going with this. I present: Obelisk Garden!!

This deck is based around using Black Garden to control the field, and gain Tribute Fodder for Obelisk the Tormenter. Hardened Armed Dragon makes Obelisk ubelieleveably hard to kill, and Tytannial, Princess of Camellias is fuel for him, plus she has negation powers and is the best target for Lonefire. Mystic Tomato is fuel for my other effects, such as Mark of the Rose, and he brings out Sangan. Dandylion gives me some nice Tokens for Obelisk, and Gravirose dumps Dandylion. Necro Gardna is another target for Gravirose, and it can block attacks when I'm about to summon my Egyptian God. Lord Poison serves to bring back a discarded Tytannial, or anything else.

Obviously, Black Garden comes in first for Spells, therefore Terraforming searches it. Fragrance Storm is drawpower, killing off a Rose Token on my opponent's field. Foolish Burial can dump Dandylion, or anything else. Mark of the Rose can grab a monster for a Tribute, same goes for Brain Control. Mystical Space Typhoon, Giant Trunade, and Heavy Storm clear the field for my God to strike, and I know Gold Sarcophagus is slow, but it's the only way to grab Obelisk from the deck. Monster Reincarnation pulls him out of the Graveyard.

For Traps, Threatening Roar and Pollinosis create a wall preventing Obelisk from dying that turn, and Call of the Haunted brings back a 4000 ATK monster for a turn.

I think I did pretty good, but I probably forgot a few things. Please leave comments!--Black Rose 00:54, November 25, 2009 (UTC)

Hmm, not a bad idea. Since you're focusing on tributes in an Obelisk deck, I'd have a lot more cards to help with that. Fragrance Storm is probably not the best of ideas; you may want to replace it with something else. Perhaps another Mark of the Rose? Runer5h 02:06, November 25, 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

I suppose. But I like Fragrance Storm to destroy my opponent's Rose Tokens, more than my own. The reason I want to keep it is because it is my only source of drawpower. I don't have enough DARKs for Allure, but can you think of something drawpower-wise to replace a Fragrance Storm?--Black Rose 02:11, November 25, 2009 (UTC)

I tried this deck on ygo09. obelisk still gets his atk points decreased. o_O

I'm honored you tried out the deck on Stardust Accelerator, but it probably would have worked better if Hardened Armed Dragon was on registered on that game. Also, the version of Obelisk the Tormenter on that video game differs slightly from the official TCG version, so it should work.--Black Rose 01:05, November 28, 2009 (UTC)

and in what way it is different? The only difference I see is, that it is not mentioned that the card cannot be set, else the text is the same. So I don't see why it should work... -dest- 09:35, November 28, 2009 (UTC)

I think that Obelisk will still be affected by Black Garden's effect as the effect of Black Garden is already continuous. What Obelisk's effect meant was that cards like Bottomless TrapHole and Solemn Judgement cannot be activated in response to the summon.GroggyBoy 12:25, November 28, 2009 (UTC)

According to Messengerofthedark, Obelisk will not be cut in half by Black Garden. Now that that is out of the way, I would love to hear more comments on the deck!--Black Rose 20:33, November 28, 2009 (UTC)

I tested the deck out, and it has been working very well, except when I have all of my Tormenters in the Graveyard, and only a few ways to retrieve them. However, I did find a new combo that involves Black Garden and Obelisk the Tormenter. If the only Plant-type monsters on the field are 5 Rose Tokens, I can activate Black Garden's final effect, destroy all of those Tokens, and bring back Obelisk for a turn. --Black Rose 12:40, November 30, 2009 (UTC)

I like that idea; sounds like a good finisher move. The deck seems very solid right now. Runer5h 21:06, November 30, 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

If I hear that from you, then I know it's true. Now to start collecting Obelisk's.....--Black Rose 00:21, December 1, 2009 (UTC)