Forum:Plant Deck for Tourneys Suggestions?

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Hey im making a plant deck, i guess u could call it a gigavise deck, for tournaments. I made it run pretty well, but i just want some suggestions to make it better, thanks :)

Heres the decklist:

This is your typical plant deck. The main point is to get Gigaplant out as fast as you can using Lonefire Blossom to swarm the field and attack for game. I also found the Inmatos as a good addition to the deck as Cherry Inmato is good for tuning and they are also let me put Dark Armed Dragon in the deck, and i found him very useful in a pinch. I definitely need help with the Extra Deck so please feel free to make any suggestions. I plan to take this to locals and ill see how i do. Thanks :) Iggy729 20:20, November 8, 2010 (UTC)

2 Skull-Mark Ladybug's would be good, you can also bring them back with Gigaplant

Mmm maybe ill try it but at this point im more concerned with the condition of my extra deck. Also, i want to try Naturia Pineapple and get rid of Inmato for another Cherry Inmato not sure yet though. Iggy729 01:03, November 9, 2010 (UTC)

Use this. It is one of my decks, I have done well in many tournaments with it. (talk) 01:43, November 9, 2010 (UTC)