Forum:Please Check my XYZ Deck

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I have always wanted to try to get a good XYZ or VWXZY deck together. This is my latest attempt:

The deck's main strategy is to get out XYZ-Dragon Cannon for control. The deck can get out Stardust Dragon if I can collect the right parts in my hand. Chaos Sorcerer is just "splashed" in there because I have light and dark monsters that I can use. Hand Destruction and Good Goblin Housekeeping are my sources of draw power.

What improvements can I make the deck to get it to run smoother and faster? Should I cut out a few monsters? What other spells and or traps would help this deck the most? Would Cyber Valley be better than Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive in this deck? If I made that switch would I have enough dark monsters left in the deck to justify use of my 2 Chaos Sorcerers?

Thanks in advance for all your help, time, and effort in advance.

Ah yes... "Who needs DAD?" XYZ-Dragon is basically a Dark Armed Dragon (DAD), it is just more work to get out! 02:55, February 1, 2010 (UTC) AceCloudKicker

- all Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive + 2-3 cyber valleys because it's effect can allow you to negate a whole battle phase or remove it and another monster to draw two cards + 2 light wave tunings + 2 more honests

I would not use Lightwave Tuning. Instead, use some copies of Machina Frontline to search out your monsters. You may also want Machina Peacekeeper and Machina Gearframe. Runer5h 03:24, February 1, 2010 (UTC)Runer5h

D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation / Return from the Different Dimension to get the ingrediants back? as well as any cards removed for Chaos Sorcerer / Cyber Valley ~-Resk 14:32, February 4, 2010 (UTC)