Forum:Question about slifer the sky dragon

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Q: Did Slifer the Sky Dragon come with the Yu-Gi-Oh pyramid of light movie or comic book. Because my brother owns the book and it came with no Slifer.--Blueyeyesawesomedragon 20:31, 23 April 2009 (UTC)


Well, I've seen the movie a thousand times and each time I watch it, I'm sure that Slifer is in the movie. Slifer is the first God Card that Yugi Summons in his duel against Kaiba. --Dark-Magician 14:18, 24 April 2009 (UTC)

That's not what I meant. Thanks though. What I meant was on the page about the Egyptian god cards it said that Slifer came with Yu-Gi-Oh the Pyramid of light as a promo. Does that mean the dvd or the comic book? because my brother bought the comic book an it came with no Slifer. So did someone steal it before my brother bought it or Slifer just didn't come with it?--Blueyeyesawesomedragon 01:49, 25 April 2009 (UTC)

--That would be possible,but maybe it doesn't have any Slifer inside it at all.

--Jampong 11:10, 25 April 2009


maybe. but then what did slifer come with. because on the Egyptian god cards page it says he came as a promo card with the ani-manga of Yu-Gi-Oh: The pyramid of light. So if it's not the book is it the dvd/video tape? I'm confused what did Slifer come with?--Blueyeyesawesomedragon 19:19, 25 April 2009 (UTC)

  • It's supposed to come from the Ani-Manga book. That's how I got mine. --Bluedog (Talk) 06:15, 26 April 2009 (UTC)


Pyramid of Lights came with Slifer only for a limited amount of time. Afterwards, it was just the Ani-Manga. Sabre Knight 22:07, 27 April 2009 (UTC)