Forum:Rate/Fix my Ancient Gear deck

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Please Rate/Fix my Ancient Gear deck. Please help to tone it down further (40 cards ideal).

This is my Cyber Gear Crush deck. (With help from Batboy267)

Monsters [20]:

Spells [18]:

Traps [8]:

Fusion Deck [8]:

Total (excluding fusion deck):46 cards

-Please leave comments thanks.

Necrocrush 09:19, 31 May 2008 (UTC)



Your deck is very sturdy and be very hard to beat. Your most proabably aware of this combo but I'll type it up anyways. If you can summon your Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem but using your card [Power Bond]] you could get a monster with 8800 attack which is higher than using Power Bond when summoning Cyber End Dragon.

Here something else, take out one of the Cyber End Dragon's becuase you don't have enough Proto-Cyber Dragon's or Cyber Dragon's to make three of them up. Given you need 3 x Cyber Dragon to summon it.

CrazySmurf 09:38, 31 May 2008 (UTC)

Erm........ thanks but please post more constructive comments. Can someone help to bring this deck down to 40 cards?

Necrocrush 10:18, 31 May 2008 (UTC)

I would remove the spell gears because i dont think you will use them much.

ok you need more cards cut down huh ok heres few more.

Rare Metalmorph doesn't help you as much as you think it would because most of the card effects that people use doesn't target (Torrential Tribute, Smashing Ground, ect.) so i'd ditch both of those.

Running two Ancient Gear Workshops isn't good because the effect though good is not powerfull enough to be running 2 so get rid of one.

If your not running gadgets than consider taking out Ultimate Offering with out the gadgets it not as powerful.

Enemy Controller is good but sorry to say is anthoer candidate for geting rid of in a to get to forty you have to make tough chorices and that card isn't needed to make the deck work.

The rest you have to do on your own because I can't of any thing else trust your ability bye Batboy267 11:37, 31 May 2008 (UTC)

the spell gear thing isn't my comment Batboy267 11:38, 31 May 2008 (UTC)

Slim some things down

Try to have only one of each spell and/or trap and yes cut out theUltimate Offering, Rare Metalmorph.

I would only have 1 Spell Gear, Ancient Gear Castle, Ancient Gear Fist,

Ancient Gear Workshop and mayby add 1 more Ancient Gear Golem Gear Kaiser 20:31, 2 July 2008 (UTC)

1) take out the 3 Ancient Gear's there effect wont activate on cards like Ancient Gear Golem and Ancient Gear Beast. It will only activate on other Ancient Gears

2) play 3 Gear Towns

3) take out the Spell Gears 21:31, 2 July 2008 (UTC)

Side Deck

Good card for a side deck are System Down it cost 1000 LP but it helps in a pinch if your playing agents a Machine deck. Super Polymerization is also good agents a Machine deck you can use your opponent's monster to summon Chimeratech Overdragon if their's a Cyber Dragon on either field you can clear their side for a directs attack. DNA Surgery can make all of their face-up monster Machine types. Yu-Card (Yu-Talk)

Oh Noez

Sorry to the community if I come off as repetitive in my ventures to have all decks include: Monster Reborn and Premature Burial, including this one. Chris427 00:15, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

  • hah! you are a little repetitive, although you're right, it's a must have for all decks. --Tantara 01:24, 27 July 2008 (UTC)


Your deck is cool and it's OK to use 3 Ancient Gears but try to include Machine Duplication to use it with the gears for the effect of Spell Gear. I own an Anncient Gear deck myself and it's kinda similar to yours and it is totally AWESOME!!!! P5trfMppt5

Great Deck, but needs to make it smaller..

i am not the best at deck buildings, but i see great potentials in ancient gear decks, so please consider my advice and anyone is allowed to comment on my advice:

like someone said RUN THREE GEAR TOWNS! and get rid of spell gear (or use 1)

and maybe you should stick with more ancient gear cards (meaning, get rid of proto cydra), but keep cydra and cyber phoenix

take out the all rare metamorph and 1 sakuretsu and replace with mirror force, BTH, and rainbow life

maybe you should max AGG, and run two engineers and beast and not use ancient gear cuz i think cyber dragon and phoenix much better you could also add spirit reaper to stall and help marshmallon! overload fusion and ancient gear drill i'm nit so sure should stay ancient gear workshop could be minimize to 1 and add monster reborn and premature burial other than that it looks great!

  • Why do you need Rare Metalmorphs when you're running Ancient Gears? Chris427 03:25, 5 August 2008 (UTC)