Forum:Rate/Fix my Insect deck.

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Please rate this insect deck out of 10 on a Tournament level.

Deck (45 cards):

Normal Monsters (6 cards):

Gene-Warped Warwolf (x2) Insect Knight Gemini Elf Sabersaurus Vorse Raider

Effect Monsters (18 cards):

Swarm of Locusts (x2) Pinch Hopper (x2) Prickle Fairy (x2) Man-Eater Bug (x2) Swarm Of Scarabs Howling Insect Arsenal Bug Chainsaw Insect Des Feral Imp Aztekipede, the Worm Warrior Great Maju Garzett Saber Beetle Gigaplant Obelisk the Tormentor (This is the tournament legit effect Obelisk by the way)

Spells (9 cards):

Axe of Despair (x3) Dark Core Heavy Storm Monster Reborn Swords of Revealing Light Gaia Power Mystical Space Typhoon

Traps (12 cards):

Divine Wrath (x2) Metalmorph Bottomless Trap Hole Scrap-Iron Scarecrow Torrential Tribute Magical Arm Shield Covering Fire Dust Tornado Karma Cut Draining Shield Dust Tornado

Cards I am certainly willing to take out or replace if you think it will improve that way: -One of my 1900 4-starred monsters. (Or as many as I need to) -Howling Insect. -Prickle Fairy. -Des Feral Imp. -Arsenal Bug. -Pinch Hopper.

Cards I'm not too sure on whether to keep or not: -Covering Fire. -Magical Arm Shield. -Metalmorph. -Gaia Power.

And finally, I'm not sure whether to replace: Draining Shield with Magic Cylinder?

Now for strategies...

-I use my 4-starred high ATK monsters for their ATK of course, while equipping them with spells to increase their attack power.

-I use Swarm of Scarabs/Locusts to wipe out the opponents field (Especially while I have Swords of Revealing Light/Scarp-Iron Scarecrow/Draining Shield/Magical Arm Shield in play)

-Pinch Hoppers/Gigaplant to get extra monsters on my field. (Works well when trying to summon Obelisk.)

-Aztekipede to eat away at the opponents deck, (I can easily get insects in the graveyard like Pinch Hoppers/Man-Eater Bugs/Howling Insect in order to summon it) and Chainsaw Insect can also help, by making them draw cards.

-Prickle Fairy to protect my insects. (With the help of Swords of Revealing Light/Scrap-Iron Scarecrow, it will help drastically when trying to summon Obelisk)

-Saber Beetle to deal damage to defense monsters. Saber Beetle/Chainsaw Insect/Gene-Warped Warwolf make a great sacrifices for Maju Garzett.

-Plenty of Traps and Spells such as Dark Core/Bottomless Trap Hole/Dust Tornado/Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy the opponents field. (Divine Wrath is good for negating effects and destroying the monster)

-And finally: Obelisk the Tormentor, my main goal isn't to summon him, but if I do draw this card while having three monsters on the field, I'll most likely use it to wipe out the opponent in a turn or two. If I am getting thrashed and want to summon it, I have plenty of cards to stop the opponent from destroying necessary sacrifices for this card.

When I'm playing against a friend or family member, I win the majority of the time, but I was just wandering about a tournament level rating, and if any changes are necessary because I'm not sure if my deck is tournament material. I will appreciate your feedback, whether its positive or negative! I'm thinking of entering a tournament, so you tell me if my deck is ready. Thanks in advance, and wish me luck if I do end up entering!

-- (talk) 11:24, November 10, 2010 (UTC)


Yay another non-meta deck

I rate this deck a 4 out of 10. Yes, I will explain why such a low rating.

First of all, as much as I hate to say it, having low levelled monsters simply attacking as your main strategy is inadequate in today's gameplay against more serious duelists. Especially when you don't have many 1 for 1 cards to get rid of your opponent's cards on the field. -1 Sometimes monster effects can make up for this, but your primary attacking force consists of normal monsters, so no help there. -1

Next up is your Obelisk the Tormentor. Cool card, but why is it even in there? You say you have no probems gathering tributes quickly, so that's alright I suppose, and I guess this gives you an element of surprise. No one would guess that you have a god card in an insect deck. +1 However don't you think this card would be a dead draw early in the duel -1 , and there are other dangerous cards you can use that are slightly easier to summon.

Your deck does not have enough spells compared to traps. Traps are slightly slower, and while this may not be a big difference to you at the moment, when you play against faster decks such as Blackwings you will see what I'm talking about. In addition there are many cards out there that can lockdown or negate traps, and very few for spells. Therefore it is a bad idea to go trap heavy like you are doing now. -1

If you want to participate in a tournament, you need to take out Heavy Storm because it is forbidden. -1

Most of your traps look decent, but I suggest you take out Covering Fire, Magical Arm Shield, and replace Draining Shield with Magic Cylinder if you have it. Magic cylinder is only slightly better because it does damage rather than heal. However the two of them are pretty much opposites with similar effects: Negate 1 attack, and burn/heal the attack.

Another thing that lets me down in many decks I see including this one is that people tend to use weaker versions of cards that have similar but less powerful effects, because the 'good' cards are too expensive or uncommon. While this is quite alright, if you decide to go to a tournament, people will almost certainly have many staples and shiny cards in their deck, and you will be at a disadvantage if you don't upgrade your deck. -1

I do like the fact that you have decided to run a non-meta deck, and your deck does have originality. +1 However your deck has so little insect support that it hardly deserves to be called an insect deck. -1

Lastly, you say that you win most games you play. While I am happy for you, you should not ignore the possibility that the people you play with are very bad duelists, or have been letting you win. Because while your deck can sustain itself and does not look weak, it most certainly does not look threatening either. The people at your local tournaments may be possible for you to defeat, but if you go to bigger tournaments, you will probably duel players at much higher levels. Your deck simply isn't ready for that kind of challenge. -1

I have tried to be as constructive as possible with my criticism. Yes, I know I've been harsh but that is just me and you do need to know that your deck is by no means at a competitive level. IPlay4Fun (talkcontribs) 17:19, November 10, 2010 (UTC)


Im not liking this deck much. You have random normal monsters and not so good insect monsters. By the way how is oblisk helpful? Anyway I'd highly recomend sticking to pure insects and running solidarity. One of the best insect cards is Verdant Sanctuary. This card completely defies everything when an insect dies you get a free one. Also try out akizapede, doom dozer, spider spyder, magical merchant,bee list soilder, flying kamakiri... Man theres too many to list. The most important thing is though to only use 40 cards that way you ll draw better hands


Thanks for the negative feedback, I will try to improve my deck a lot! I never did like all those normal monsters in my deck so I will try to replace some of them with good insect cards. I'll also try to add some better spells, replace draining shield with magic cylinder and take out magical arm shield and covering fire. I don't have very good cards at the moment so I'll probably have to buy some more, and i am looking for a mirror force card. About heavy storm, I had no idea it was banned so thanks a lot for telling me. (Good thing I didn't already enter a tournament with it!) I guess the people I normally play against aren't good duelists at all! As you can see, a lot of the cards I have are old because, as strange as it sounds, I don't really like the new cards. Also, I'd like to keep Obelisk in my deck, because it can be helpful and once my deck is improved, I won't really need unless as a last resort.

One thing I'll change straight away is my primary "normal monster" force to something much better. Take out some of my traps to replace with effective spells. Replace those normal monsters with good insect monsters.

I think by akizapede you mean aztekipede, and I do actually have one of those in my deck, I don't want a doom dozer yet, in case I draw too many cards I can't summon. Spyder spider seems good, I might get one but I'm not sure what cards people use in tournaments and the chances are it's weak attack strength won't easily destroy an opponents monster. I had magical merchant in my deck but really hated its effect, so I took it out. I'm not too sure about bee list soldier, its a possibility (I want to see what other people think first) and I won't have Flying Kamakiri because most of my cards aren't Wind, they're Earth. As for Verdant Sanctuary, I was thinking of buying one online, but I'm not too sure.

Lastly, please tell me which cards to add in/swap-for/take-out and I will do so immediately and re-post here, unless I don't have the card.

-- (talk) 02:42, November 11, 2010 (UTC)


You seem to like hitting things, So i made a deck using (almost) only commons/rares, which should be able to hit good.

"Also, I'd like to keep Obelisk in my deck" he's mess up Solidarity :3

"I don't want a doom dozer yet, in case I draw too many cards I can't summon." with only 2, it should be fine,

"pyder spider seems good, I might get one but I'm not sure what cards people use in tournaments and the chances are it's weak attack strength won't easily destroy an opponents monster.- Solidarity/BoM/Shrink take care of that,

I'll admit it's a fairly radical change, and that they're are some better cards, but I made this to be competitive-ish, without costing a silly amount, if any questions, just ask :p

-Resk (talkcontribs) 03:03, November 11, 2010 (UTC)

That is a big change! I'll try it out, it seems like a great insect deck. About Koa'ki Meiru Beetle, because its effect is negative, it doesn't seem any better than just having an insect knight (Correct me if I'm wrong). With all those insect cards you suggested, that will make it a lot easier to get out cards like Doom Dozer and Aztekipede which is great. Anyway, I'll try this out, see which is better and thank you for the quick reply and for including Swarm of Scarabs/Swarm of Locusts (I love those cards!) in my deck. The only problem is, I don't have that many of those cards and with Royal Decree being the only trap card, I'm not too sure on that either. With Royal Decree though, does it just negate the effects of all face-up trap cards, or all trap cards in general?

-- (talk) 03:16, November 11, 2010 (UTC)




Swarm of Locusts (-None Needed-) Swarm of Scarabs (-None Needed-) Koa'ki Meiru Beetle (-None Needed-) Chainsaw Insect (-None Needed-) Aztekipede, the Worm Warrior (-None Needed-) Cross-Sword Beetle (-None Needed-) Spyder Spider (-None Needed-) Doom Dozer (-None Needed-)

Spells: Solidarity (-None Needed-) Monster Reborn (-None Needed-) Dark Hole (-None Needed-) Book of Moon (2 Needed) Shrink (-None Needed-) Giant Trunade (-None Needed) Swords of Revealing Light (-None Needed-) Verdant Sanctuary (-None Needed-) Mystical Space Typhoon (-None Needed)

Royal Decree (2 Needed)

-- (talk) 05:47, November 11, 2010 (UTC)


Koa'ki Meiru Beetle is mainly becuase it's A) Big, B) slows Blackwings, Infernity, Lightsworns and other Dark/light decks, while yours doesn't special summon darks that much, if at all, so that part of the effect only harms the foe,

Royal Decree stops all traps, as they go face up for their effects (IE: Trap Hole will be negated upon activation)-Resk (talkcontribs) 16:48, November 11, 2010 (UTC)

Finding Royal Decree

I have looked, but have had no luck finding a Royal Decree card. I need 3 for my deck, but the cheapest price I can find for just one is around $20. Help me out if anyone knows an easier way to get this card. Thanks in advance.

-- (talk) 11:54, December 4, 2010 (UTC)


What really? I can't believe its around $20....You could always try to win it off some weaker player. IPlay4Fun (talkcontribs) 14:49, December 4, 2010 (UTC)