Forum:Rate and help my arcana force deck

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Here is the deck:

Total-42, Monsters-22, Arcana Force 0-The Fool x3, Arcana Force 1-The Magician x3, Arcana Force 3-The Empress x2, Arcana Force 4-The Emperor x3, Arcana Force 6-The Lovers x3, Arcana Force 7-The Chariot x3, Arcana Force 14-Temperence x1, Arcana Force 18-The Moon x3, Arcana Force 21-The World x1,

Spells-8, Ribbion of Rebirth x1, Cup of Ace x3, Mystical Cards of Light x2, Light Barrier x1, Demise of the Land x1, Traps-12, Lucky Chance x3, Reversal of Fate x3, Arcana Call x3, Tour of Doom x3

Arcanaforce777 23:52, 8 August 2008 (UTC)arcanaforce777 Friday,August 17,2008


I suggest adding Second Coin Toss so you have a better chance of getting the effects you want from your monsters. Bluedog187 23:52, 8 August 2008 (UTC)

thanks. should i also add a guardian of order?

Arcanaforce777 00:15, 9 August 2008 (UTC)

Have at least 3 Second Coin Toss amazing card for this deck.... --Tantara 01:34, 9 August 2008 (UTC)

To be honest, I'm in the same boat as you with an Arcana Force deck but there are a few things for you to consider,

1. Arcana force VI- The Lovers. It's heads effect is ok but with only 1600 atk, will not long engough to use it (Battle wise). The tails effect is a major downside but then it is on most Arcanas (except the Fool), all your tributes are Arcanas that can be special summoned with Empress anyway.

- 2 Lovers

+ 1 Empress

+ 1 Prime Material Dragon (As means of protecting the Arcanas)

2. The Tributes. Temperance is Ok in gerenal, the Moon can be useful but the World is awesome, only bettered by the Dark ruler (God, I love the tails effect.) The thing with the two-tribute arcanas is that they are good in their own way, The Moon deals with summoning tokens, The World locks out your opponent better than Horus/Jinzo (By skipping the turn altogether.) and Dark Ruler deals with the field. The World, although great, is best in a deck built around it so axe it.

- 1 World

Also, 3 Magicians and 3 Fools is a bit much

- 2 Magician

- 1 Fool

3. The Spell and trap line. Now that I helped with the monsters, lets hope I can do the same for Spells and Traps. Out of the whole deck, the only spells I like in here are:

Cup of Ace x2

Light Barrier

- Ribbon of Rebirth

- Cup of Ace

- 2 Mystical Crads of light

- Demise of the land

+ Heavy Storm

+ Monster Reborn

+ Premature Burial

+ Mystical Space Typhoon

+ Lightning Vortex

+ 1 Light Barrier (Don't do this if you decide to add PMD)

+ Pot of Avarice

+ 2 Shrink

From these changes, the Spell line will look like this:

Cup of Ace x2

Light Barrier x1 or 2

Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon

Monster Reborn

Premature Burial

Lightning Vortex

Pot of Avarice

Shrink x2

The Traps out of the deck I like are:

3 Reversal of Fate

2 Lucky Chance

Arcana Call

- Lucky Chance

- 2 Arcana Call

- 3 Tour of Doom

+ 3 Sakuretsu Armor

+ Torrential Tribute

The Trap line is now:

Reversal of Fate x3

Lucky Chance x2

Arcana Call

Torrential Tribute

Sakuretsu Armor x3

Now the whole looks like this:

Arcana Force 0- The Fool x2

Arcana Force I- The Magician

Arcana Force III- The Empress x3

Arcana Force IV- The Emporer x3

Arcana Force VI- The Lovers

Arcana Force VII- The Chariot x3

Arcana Force XIV- Temperance

Arcana Force XVIII- The Moon x3

Cup of Ace x2

Heavy Storm


Monster Reborn

Shrink x2

Premature Burial

Light Barrier x2/ Light Barrier x1 and Prime Material Dragon x1

Pot of Avarice

Lightning Vortex

Arcana Call

Lucky Chance x2

Reversal of Fate x3

Sakurestu Armor x3

Torrential Tribute

Much more focused and stable build. If you want, I can help with the side deck. Just tell me your Meta and I'll see.