Forum:Red-eyes assault

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One word. Hieratic. They can search both Red-eyes AND meteor dragon from the deck, so his summoning is basically boiled down to "Draw Poly and use it". the monsters they summon have their stats drained, so summon red eyes and immediately bring out one of its ascended forms, or stack/sync it. and Drop Black Metal, as awesome has he was in his 1 anime appearence, he's a waste of time because A, once you draw him, he can't be summoned, he can only be summoned from the deck. and B, Red-eyes W/ Metalmorph is simply better anyways. Drop Sin Red-eyes (Malefic) too for those exact same reasons, the original Red-eyes needs to be in the deck, so each red-eyes you draw is one more dead Malefic red-eyes in teh deck. the field spells can either go or if you want to, replace with The Seal of Orichalcos, if activate the seal once the Fusions are out you can just rez them with Darkness metal afterwords. otherwise you turn Dragons mirror into a dead card.

Solidarity solves the Red-eyes biggest issue, low ATK for the effort in summoning it, though it would mean taking Summoned Skull and by extent, Black Skull Dragon out. not an issue, Meteor Black is superior as both its materials can be searched.

Eclipse Wyvern and Lightpulsar Dragon too. Eclipse can search out Darkness or Darkness metal, then add it to your hand when you need to summon it. and Lightpulsar has his loop combo with Darkness metal. You can also use Banish recovery stuff as well.

see both Red-Eyes and the above linked Hieratic page for more, the "Recommended cards" thing is there for a reason.

I actually just made this exact deck im discribing a few weeks ago, so i know it works. It's absurdly aggressive, but it has near no recovery, if you get hit with a field wipe, you will probably lose....if they aren't OTK'd first (which was what happened the first 3 games i played with it, 4th they survived with 100 left......T_T)DreadKaiser (talkcontribs) 22:54, February 13, 2014 (UTC)

  • ok, this deck is meant to take advantage of the variety and synergy of the various Red-Eyes monsters, plus pretty much everything you named in the first paragraph can be solved by simply using Card Trader to throw back a poor draw, solidarity can still work even with Black Skull Dragon as long as I don't use it except as fusion material, oh, and I'm building my own deck, not yoursDjt08031996 (talkcontribs) 21:36, February 14, 2014 (UTC)