Forum:Revival of the great Blue Eyes

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This deck focuses on summoning Blue Eyes White Dragon from the graveyard, as well as Dark Horus Dragon. It's a new deck, and any help would be greatfull.


Blue eyes white dragon x 3 Decoy dragon x 3 Masked dragon x 3 Exploder dragon x 2 Neo spacian grand mole Breaker the magical warrior Dark horus dragon x 2 Card trooper Snipe hunter Morphing jar


Trade in x 3 Foolish burial x 2 Heavy storm Mystical space typhoon Lightning vortex Ancient rules x 3 Summoner’s art x 2 Swing of memories x 3 Monster reborn Premature burial


Birthright x 3 Dark bribe x 2 Torrential tribute

for starters

Breaker is forbidden so take him out if you are playing advanced format

try replacing dark horus (as you can only summon 1 other monster with his effect) with the creator along with a couple of the creator incarnates and a ROTA or two.

you may also want to consider adding kaiser sea horse to summon the creator or BEWD

i like the idea of using trade in as your draw engine, but you could take advantage of card of safe return because this deck i imagine will be non stop reborn.

if you can, try putting in a future fusion and blue eyes ultimate to get your blue eyes in the grave as fast as you possibly can

definitely add in a calculator or two can u imagine how your opponent will feel facing down 3 BEWD and calculator = 300 x 26 = massive 7800 ouch for your opponent

if you ran a few more light monsters you might want to put in a luminous spark

you could always use cards like Felgrand Dragon just for fun and possibly a spear cretin

anyways i hope some of my ideas help

good luck

YubelFTW 22:30, 18 June 2008 (UTC)