Forum:Samurai Beatdown/OTK

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Xxdesf (talkcontribs) 15:14, July 6, 2012 (UTC)

This is my samurai deck using the new cards released in Storm of Ragnarok. As the title suggests, its a more OTK/FTK oriented version, the basic concept being of swarming the field using Kageki, Grandmaster, Kizan and Elder which are drawn/searched with Gateway, Six Samurai United, Reinforcement, Smoke Signal and Dojo

Shinai and Mizuho, are to clean up the field and get cards back to Hand from the Grave, to do an OTK/ FTK whit the other, stronger Monsters.

Kagemusha's main purpose is to be summoned by kageki and synchro into Shien to provide some extra protection.

Overall the deck is not supposed to survive for a long time (hence i dont use many traps), but you can finish the opponent in the first 3 turns.

During my matches against some friends, i noticed that 3x Musakani Magatama isn't too much, because in this Meta, Inzectors are very popular.

Great Shogun Shien Is just to stop decks like Chainburn, Dark World or Exodia, and he's a big beater.

Right now the deck works quite well, I never thought "Oh my god this hand is gonna kill me" which I know from a friend's Samurai Deck, and I always had a fair chance of winning, yet I'm sure there's room for improvement.

uhh...yeah that's it I think, looking forward to your feedback :) xxdesf (talkxxdesf) 17:07, Juli 6, 2012 (MEC)Xxdesf (talkcontribs) 15:14, July 6, 2012 (UTC)

Some suggestion

You can write some.

Get rid of Shogun Shien and put in some Effect Veilers. Also, why not Dark Hole, Heavy Storm, or Book of Moon? No Solemn Brigade? And you need some more XYZs.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 16:09, July 8, 2012 (UTC)