Forum:Sheraton ruling help

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I have a question. I feel dumb for not knowing, but if you set constellar sheraton and he is attacked the next turn, does he get the search effect when he is flipped? Or does he not get the effect? (talk) 04:21, April 30, 2013 (UTC)

Sheratan's effect only goes off when it's Normal Summoned. ChaosGallade (talkcontribs) 04:28, April 30, 2013 (UTC)

but isn't the flip a normal summon? (talk) 04:31, April 30, 2013 (UTC)

No. ChaosGallade (talkcontribs) 04:32, April 30, 2013 (UTC)

then he is no longer my favorite card in the deck... (talk) 04:34, April 30, 2013 (UTC)

Sheraton is still an important card for Constellars, as Zubeneschamali can't do the searching alone, considering its high level. The trick is to find a way around Sheraton's low ATK after the search. ChaosGallade (talkcontribs) 04:36, April 30, 2013 (UTC)

that's the problem. Idk what to do with him after he is summoned. I rarely go lvl 3 with my constellars, and all he is to me is a searcher. If i add more protection for just him, then my deck might become clogged and i'll end up with dead hands. XP (talk) 04:40, April 30, 2013 (UTC)

Honest says hi. ChaosGallade (talkcontribs) 04:41, April 30, 2013 (UTC)

i already run him, 2 d-pris, and 2 mirror force. as well as one torrential. (talk) 04:46, April 30, 2013 (UTC)

That's the down side of Sheraton, he needs to be Normal Summoned, but after that he's going to get run over. --Dark Ace SP (Talk) 12:41, April 30, 2013 (UTC)