Forum:Skill Drain

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Does skill Drain Stop Flip Effect monsters and does witch of the black forest effect still work.

"Skill Drain" will negate an effect if the monster is face-up on the field when resolving/applying the monster's effect.
If the Flip Effect Monster is not face-up on the field when the effect is resolving (for example, "Book of Moon" or "Ring of Destruction" was chained to the Flip Effect), then the Flip Effect will not be negated. If the Flip Effect Monster is face-up when resolving the effect, it will be negated.
"Exiled Force"'s effect activates and resolves on the field. However, the monster is not face-up on the effect resolves, so the effect is not negated.
Under most circumstances, "Witch of the Black Forest" will not be face-up on the field when resolving its effect, so it won't be negated.
--Deus Ex Machina (Talk) 01:17, 23 December 2008 (UTC)