Forum:Solid Sanctuary Insect Beatdown - Help!

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Alright, so I thought it'd be cool to use some of the new-ish Insect support to build up the Insect beatdown deck that I never could with the old school cards. I need help with the balance of the deck, and I'm not sure what other synchros to use besides Underground Arachnid. I'd like to go monster heavy and keep the Solidarity trio with at least two Insect Neglects and Verdant Sanctuarys, and with the continuous spells, I'd like to limit traps. I'm also having difficulties reconciling the sheer quantity of RFP that's going to be happening with this build.

(I'd like to keep the two Earthbound Immortal Urus if at all possible because Pinch Hopper makes it a breeze to get them out}

Go ahead and tear this deck apart! I really want this deck to be strongly competitive and I'd really appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks much! OmegaB1Gz (talkcontribs) 01:13, April 23, 2011 (UTC)OmegaB1Gz

You definetely want some Field Barriers, so your Field Spells will need both of the MSTs allowed in your opponents Deck to destroy ONE Field Spell when you have a Field Barrier face-up. MachinaMan (talkcontribs) 02:55, April 23, 2011 (UTC)

I thought about that actually, considering the two Earthbound Immortal Urus. The only reservation I have with Field Barrier is that it's a severe dead draw if there's no field spell. Then again, so is Uru I suppose if there's no way to get him out... I'll definitely think about throwing one in there. OmegaB1Gz (talkcontribs) 04:14, April 23, 2011 (UTC)OmegaB1Gz

I'd nay "Field Barrier". "Mystical Space Typhoon" and everyone's favorite Level 6 Synchro turn it into a self-lock.
THE FOLLOWING ASSUMES YOU HAVE UNLIMITED DISPOSABLE INCOME: Drop "Miracle Dig"; if you must use anything, use "Burial from a Different Dimension". Drop "Sakuretsu Armor" for "Mirror Force". Get rid of "Demise of the Land"; use "Terraforming" instead, for reliability. Remove "Lightning Vortex" and "Insect Neglect"; use "Monster Reborn", "Book of Moon", and "Dark Hole" instead. Use "Solemn Judgment" in place of "Needlebug Nest", and consider replacing two of your monsters with "Card Trooper".
Designless Square (talkcontribs) 18:28, April 23, 2011 (UTC)

Which level 6? I'd get Burial from a Different Dimension if I had the money, but Miracle Dig is my best option thus far. I can't use two Mirror Forces. I already have one in there, so I'd kick it for Dimensional Prison if anything. I can definitely look for Terraforming instead of Demise of the Land. I'll see if I can sub some of those in. I like the Needlebug Nest though for the mill. I don't want to use Card Trooper because it totally stops Solidarity. OmegaB1Gz (talkcontribs) 18:51, April 23, 2011 (UTC)OmegaB1Gz

I believe he's referring to this. Explanation, Part 1: If Brionac bounces your field, Barrier will prevent you from reactivating it. Explanation, Part 2: If MST is chained to your Field Barrier, then MST will resolve first and destroy your field, then Barrier will stop you from activating a new one. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 05:03, April 24, 2011 (UTC)

Also, for your removal issue, I'd like to direct your attention to this (fairly broken) card. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 05:05, April 24, 2011 (UTC)

Ahhhh ok. That makes more sense. I can probably take an MST out of my Dragwings because Legionnaire/Aklys take care of things pretty well. Haha, yah, gotta love RFTDD. Isn't it still banned though?

Nope, it's Limited. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 18:44, April 24, 2011 (UTC)

Then I shall definitely throw that in there. Do you have any suggestions on what to shave down from the continuous spells? I'd like to keep at least two of the Solidarities, two Verdant Sanctuaries, and one Insect Neglect, but I don't really know what quantity of spells to run. I'd like to keep the deck monster-heavy, so I don't know what to do on the spell and trap side. OmegaB1Gz (talkcontribs) 19:22, April 24, 2011 (UTC)OmegaB1Gz

I'd find a different Field Spell, since Spider Web is really counterproductive for a beatdown deck. Here's my take on the deck:

I had a hell of a time getting that down to 40 cards... >.< Let me know if you want explanations. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 21:01, April 24, 2011 (UTC)

Hmm...I think the first question that comes to mind is why two Spyder Spiders? I guess with the whole summoning from the graveyard deal is pretty good, but I was thinking more towards a third Aztekipede for an extra summon at some point. Eh, ok I get it now. So as far as field cards, what would you suggest? I have a Gaia Power, but I dunno if that'd be the best choice or what. And if I was wanting to aim towards maybe a 25:15 monster to spell/trap ratio, what would you suggest removing/adding? OmegaB1Gz (talkcontribs)OmegaB1Gz

And considering that I can't afford Solemn Judgment, would Dark Bribe be a decent alternative or what? OmegaB1Gz (talkcontribs) 15:55, April 25, 2011 (UTC)OmegaB1Gz

The double Spyder Spider was in there because I originally had 1 Book of Moon and 2 Enemy Controller to take advantage of defense position monsters, I just forgot to change it back once I cut them out. Anyways, 3 Aztekipede is probably a bad idea, since you already do a ton of removal. I'd go for another Cross-Sword Beetle or maybe a KM Beetle instead. Field Spells... I have no idea. If you have mostly EARTH monsters then go Gaia Power, but at my first glance it didn't seem like there was enough. Lastly, I'd recommend Seven Tools of the Bandit as a Solemn substitute over Dark Bribe any day. Dark Bribe ultimately gives a plus to the opponent, letting them draw, which is almost always bad. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 02:08, April 26, 2011 (UTC)

Alrigty. So should it be one Spyder Spider and get either a third KM Beetle or CS Beetle? That could definitely work. I was already thinking three Gaia Powers, so we agree there. Ah ok, makes sense. Thus, something like this?

Yep, that pretty much covers it. Good luck! Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 22:24, April 26, 2011 (UTC)