Forum:Statdust Assa... No Quickd... NO. What is this!

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By the way, sorry for Mispelling Stardust, I feel ashamed, mistype...


Hi! A few weeks ago, I made a Deck called Quickdraw Assault which is SDAM Deck that uses the Flamvell Firedog engine along with the Quickdraw Dandywarrior Engine. And I like it, however a few days ago I came across a certain deck here, and it used the side deck to make a new deck, rather than countering your opponents. And this gave me an idea, so I looked at my deck and say that the SDAM part of the deck was, 15 cards (excluding Instant Fusion, since it can be used anywhere for Synchros). So I decided to make a Side Deck that would rip out the SDAM cards, and make a full-on Quickdraw Dandywarrior.

How it works

Pretty Much how it works is this: the Assault Potrion works like a SDAM Deck, focusing on Synchro Summoning via Flamvell Firedog/Rekindling/Quickdraw Synchron and getting out my trump card SDAM. The Quickdarw Variant works like it should. The cool thing about this is in matches, I would start out with the Quickdraw Portion, and then throw them off with the SDAM portion. The decks are posted in three lists, each depicting the decks in they're own right, and one comparing the decks. I would love any Rates/Fixes if needed. So far the deck has done great in testing. the only thing that makes the decks awkward is the Extra Deck, which is stim packed, and I think I need another Stardust and possibly Nitro Warrior. The other thing I would like done with this deck is Solemn Warning, I think it would prove very useful (needs to be in both decks). Thank you very much for any help anyone could give, and sorry for the loooooong text, I felt the need to explain it...BassNettoHikari2....Chat Page.... 22:43, October 22, 2010 (UTC)

PS The Extra Deck for both decks is posted under The Differnce: Spells

The Decks

Let the Rating and/or Fixing begin!

Geez, any comments??!...BassNettoHikari2...Chat Page... 14:33, November 4, 2010 (UTC)

By the way, I put in Warning in favor of Starlight...BassNettoHikari2...Chat Page... 07:29, November 7, 2010 (UTC)

Glow-Up Bulb? Also, why have you chosen to only run 3x Good Goblin Housekeeping? I always felt it was a 3 or 0 card,-Resk (talkcontribs) 11:49, November 8, 2010 (UTC)

Good idea on the bulb, but for what? And as for using 2 GGH, its because that's what I could fit in there....BassNettoHikari2....Chat Page... 14:25, November 8, 2010 (UTC)

Well, a 3rd GGH is better than a 3rd RG, in my opinion, as for bulb... idk, also, you might want a Tuning though not sure where that'd go either :3, Though, as they add more speed, dropping the RG for them may by an idea?-Resk (talkcontribs) 17:23, November 11, 2010 (UTC)

Dropping Greed...hmmm, interesting, it is my main draw engine, I'll experiment with it...BassNettoHikari2...Chat Page... 17:51, November 11, 2010 (UTC)

It really doesn't count as a draw engine :p, unless you play 2 or more in the same turn, it's technacly a -1 :3-Resk (talkcontribs) 17:56, November 11, 2010 (UTC)

The only way I would use 1 at once is if I really needed too, otherwise I would only use 2+...BassNettoHikari2....Chat Page... 18:18, November 11, 2010 (UTC)

Hi, it's me from the other forum. What exactly is Necro bumping? Also, I know that Instant Fusion can be used for easy synchros, but the tuner won't always be there to back it up. Also, I think you should use 2 Debris Dragons, as you can summon Stardust with him, a Fluff token, and Dandy, which he can summon. It's fine if you want to use Instant Fusion, but consider Level Warrior, Cyber Dragon, and The Tricky. I strongly recommend Summoner Monk for fast Stardusts, and I think that you should also take out Reckless Greeds and Good Goblin Housekeepings for 2 Pot of Avarices, Foolish Burial, and 2 Hand Destructions, which speed up the deck by dumping monsters in the graveyard and drawing new cards. (talk) 01:02, November 13, 2010 (UT

Necro, or necro bumping, is when you comment on an already dead thread to bring it to the top again. IPlay4Fun (talkcontribs) 01:04, November 13, 2010 (UTC)

Instant Fusion works absolutely great for this deck, it is loaded with Tuners, and its rarely a dead draw for me, and if not, I got an extra monster to attack with... If you looked at the "Quickdarw Variant" of the deck, you would see that it has 2 Debris Dragons... As for the Lv 5 SS, they don't work as well in the deck, because the main way of Synchroing is 4+4, not 5+3 plus I have no LV 3 Tuners. I have considered putting in Foolish, I think its a great idea. Maybe without Greed I can fit it in, but I'm still on the edge of Greed... GGH is staying, plus I am considering putting in another (look above), besides Plaguespreader, I have no way of getting rid of my worst Dead Draw in the SDAM Varient, SDAM, Hand Destruction is interesting, no level warrior. As for Monk, problem is, it doesn't work in the Quickdraw half, the only LV 4s are Debris Dragons...BassNettoHikari2...Chat Page... 07:28, November 13, 2010 (UTC)

Instant Fusion is a one-turn use card. You can't attack with the Fusion monster you summoned, and your Fusions are pretty they'll be destroyed during the end phase. Anyway, Flamvell Magician can be searched via Firedog or Summoner Monk (which would only be used in the SDAM variant). It already seems like you'll synchro Stardust pretty easily, and the Quickdraw with Dandy and Quillbolt will get you some nice synchros too. I'm still not sure how Instant Fusion would boost the deck compared to Foolish and Hand Destruction...but why Gorz and Traegodia? They're nice additions, I know, but I think you should take them out for cards that would fit the theme of the deck(s) better. (talk) 16:43, November 13, 2010 (UTC)

Forgot about how Fusion is one turn, I didn't notice since the Fusion is gone by the end of the turn, again its almost never a dead draw, It can also get out Junk Destroyer (Quickdraw+ Dragoness), also a Great Black Rose (Dragoness+Debris or Magician), its a great use card. If I add Monk, I need to take something out of the 15 card SDAM section. As for Gorz, he's won me too many duels simply by himself, if not, he's a good card to dump, Tragoedia is also too fun, I mainly use him to Synchro whatever I need at the time. I still would like to fit in Foolish somehow. There is also the possibly of Grow-Up Bulb and GGH, and Tuning; maybe I should drop a Quickdraw for Tuning? I am also intreged by Chevalier de Fleur, its a great card too...BassNettoHikari2...Chat Page... 18:07, November 13, 2010 (UTC)

The conditions for summoning Gorz the fun way are too strict. I forgot how Traegodia can be great Synchro fodder, so go ahead and keep him. If you only have any use for the level 3 fusion, drop one Instant Fusion and your level 4 fusion monster. So...take Gorz out for Summoner Monk, Instant Fusion (or Quickdraw Synchron, if you want) out for Tuning. If you want to use Chevalier de Fleur, I suggest taking out Junk Destroyer. With the way you summon him, you can only destroy one card. Junk Destroyer is best in his own deck. As for draw power, I'd take out your Greeds and GGHs for 2 Pot of Avarices and 2 Hand Destructions (for SDAM by the way). Replace the fifth card with Foolish Burial (oh, by the way, this advice is meant for your SDAM with Quickdraw deck--brilliant idea by the way). (talk) 20:02, November 13, 2010 (UTC)

Summoning Gorz really isn't that hard, blowing up the field is pretty easy these days. For Tragoedia, I can FMP any Monster and his level becomes that level. The LV 4 Fusion works for Flamvell Magician for a Quick Stardust, plus Brionac/Goyo with Plaguespreader. I'm decided on keeping Greed, Sorry. One thing about the decks, is that both decks are the same deck the only difference is 15 cards, and thank you for the compliment. Chevalier for Destroyer is an good idea. Quickdraw is out for Tuning. I only need one Pot in the Quickdraw Varient, since I'm not super milling. Again, if I draw SDAM, he's dead to me, so GGH needs to stay...BassNettoHikari2...Chat Page... 21:57, November 13, 2010 (UTC)

Hold on, you took out Assault Teleport? Oh, THAT'S why you need Good Goblin that case, take out a Greed for a third GGH, and take out the other two Greeds for Hand Destructions. The only real way I could see for summoning Gorz is on the very first turn you take effect damage (you went second), BRD and JD nukes, and those are just 3 situations, so I think you can take him out for a Foolish. On the other hand, you could take out the GGHs for an Assault Teleport and edit accordingly: Hand Destructions. Anyway, wouldn't you often try to summon Stardust via Summoner Monk searching out Magician or Firedog doing the same? So, I think you should try to incorporate Summoner Monk in the SDAM variant somehow. You could take out Trunade instead for Foolish, and Gorz out for Summoner Monk, or keep what you want between Gorz and Instant Fusion. (talk) 23:21, November 13, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah Teleport used to be in here. I'm keeping Greed, that's Final, so I have to find somehting else to take out.. As for Gorz, most of my face downs are used to delete and destroy, so getting him out is much easier then you think, along with the nukes. I would like Monk in SDAM, but for what. I can't get rid of Trunade, its the easiest way to clear my opponent's S/T's for my big plays I might take out one Fusion though....BassNettoHikari2....Chat Page... 06:02, November 14, 2010 (UTC)

Should I put in a third Stardust???...BassNettoHikari2...Chat Page... 16:13, November 16, 2010 (UTC)

Putting in a third Stardust is largely up to you. Personally, if I wanted to, I would take out Ally of Justice Catastor because he seems to be the least summonable monster in your extra deck. Hey...I just had an idea. Originally, I tried to use Quickdraw Dandywarrior to bring out Shooting Star Dragon. The strategy would be to have a Fluff token and Stygian Security on the field (Security is easy to keep field presence). I normal summon Debris Dragon, bringing back Dandy from the grave. Tune Debris Dragon with the Fluff token and Dandy for Stardust Dragon, summoning two more tokens. Tune Security with a Fluff token for Formula Synchron (another variant of this would be to use Glow-Up Bulb's effect and revive it and use it instead of Security. Now, I might use the Flamvell Firedog and Magician turbo to bring out Stardust, instead of using Debris and Dandy and Fluff token. I'm thinking it might be easier and more consistent, because my original idea didn't really work. What do you think of this idea, and if it turns out to work well, do you want the decklist? After all, you gave me the Flamvell turbo idea for summoning Stardust. (talk) 00:39, November 17, 2010 (UTC)

Ehh... I like Catastor, he's not as hard to get out as you think, so I think I'll stick with 2. As for your idea, its pretty interesting, and I could see it working out well, but, its not for me. As for the decklist, I'd love to take a look at it, I love original decks, why don't you post it here and get other's opinions on it, and your welcome for the Flamvell idea, although it wasn't my idea, i got it from a guy on Yugioh Forums...BassNettoHikari2...Chat Page... 01:07, November 17, 2010 (UTC)

Well...if I can find time I'll try to test it and give you the list, although I might not be able to until Thanksgiving (talk) 00:51, November 19, 2010 (UTC)

It's all good...BassNettoHikari2...Chat Page... 01:12, November 19, 2010 (UTC)

Hello out there...BassNettoHikari2...Chat Page... 07:36, November 20, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, I actually found some time to test it. So far, I CAN summon Shooting Star (I actually tested this in WC: 2010. Instead of using Shooting Star, I used Ally of Justice Decisive Armor. I would only allow myself to summon it with a level 1 tuner, level 1 non-tuner, and Stardust). But the thing is, most of the time I don't have the cards necessary, and when I do, I normally have to resort to other tactics to win. Summoning Shooting Star IS possible, and is easier than my original idea because I would spam less Fluff tokens. But I don't have time to post the decklist...I still need more testing anyway to figure out whether this deck is any good or not. (talk) 01:06, November 21, 2010 (UTC)

That's cool, it has potential so... No problem for the decklist, testing is good too, I think I'll be testing this myself next week, as my testing site has updated for STBL...BassNettoHikari2...Chat Page... 07:01, November 21, 2010 (UTC)

Well, see, I wanted to use Glow-Up Bulb in the deck, but WC: 2010 doesn't have it. I'm thinking that instead of using 3 Securities, I might use 2 Glow-Up Bulbs, because either way, summoning Shooting Star would require a lot of cards, and thus, strict summoning requirements. Other than this idea, I have 2 other ideas for Shooting Star: Flamevell-Lightsworn and Ultra Fish Synchro. For the first way, I would have to have Flamvell Magician, Flamvell Firedog, Flamvell Baby, and Flamvell Poun in my graveyard. Activate Rekindling to bring them back. Magician and Firedog make Stardust, Baby and Poun make Formula, and Stardust & Formula make Shooting Star. I could summon one of those monsters and then play Rekindling to bring them back, it doesn't matter. For the fish synchro, go to [page] for the decklist (actually, it was another duelist's idea, but I thought you might want the link). It gives you a way to summon Scar-Red Nova Dragon, but you can focus on the Shooting Star part. I also have various ways for summoning Scar-Red Nova Dragon, but I don't want to bore you. (talk) 00:42, November 22, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, Glow-Up Bulb is awesome, I want to add him in here, know...I feel your pain for WC2010, I do wish they could do new pack DLC, but they'll never do that... The Flamvell idea sounds good, as for the Fish, I've seen Akiza's work with it, and I do find it complete Genius, I love it, but I agree there are waaay to many ways of getting out the Cosmic Synchros...BassNettoHikari2...Chat Page... 07:17, November 22, 2010 (UTC)

The problem with the Flamvell-Lightsworn is that it is too inconsistent. Milling different monsters in order to play a single spell card is not a very consistent strategy. And...did you want to hear how I could summon Scar-Red? Because my main way would be to summon him through the use of Dragunities... (talk) 23:19, November 22, 2010 (UTC)

Intersting...BassNettoHikari2...Chat Page... 01:16, November 23, 2010 (UTC)