Forum:Suggestions for Vic-Viper

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So, it's basically a Gradius deck? Bravo! But there's some things that are wrong, what with the current banlists:
  • You can only have 1 United we Stand.
  • You can only have one Torrential.

I like the deck, but you could use some other cards fairly well. First of all, you could use Lightwave Tuning for synchros: UFORoid as a 1200 ATK searcher; Honest, to boost some attacks (especially for Victory Viper), and maybe Sangan to search, well, your whole deck. Also, you need Monster Reborn. Runer5h 19:46, 13 July 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Thank you! I wasn't sure on the ban list thing, as for monster reborn, I hope to compensate with falchion.

Look, Monster Reborn even belongs in Macro Cosmos decks; it's THAT important. Put it in. Hell, dude; it's a free special summon from EITHER graveyard, what more do you want? Runer5h 02:47, 14 July 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Actually now that I count it there is a open space that can fit Monster reborn :D

By the way; you WILL need some form of attack manipulation (HONEST) because the monsters you're trying to destroy things with (Viper, Falchion) have painfully low ATK. Shrink would work as a secondary measure, but you really need Honest. Runer5h 03:09, 14 July 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

take out what for what? equips, quick plays, or maybe Ojama trio for attack fodder?

Oh wow, Rune. Just saw your page I'm happy having a person like you helping me. Your deck names are funny FTW!.

Thanks a bunch, dude. Anyways, I'm thinking no Ojama Trio. Most embarrassing moment of my dueling career? I gave my opponent Ojama tokens and he used them as Synchro fodder. Guess what card got taken out of my deck immediately after that duel?

Anyways, here's what I'd do for this deck.

  • -2 Torrential (limited)
  • -2 United (Limited)
  • -1 Metal Shooter (Let's face it, you can make do with 2.)
  • -1 Interdimensional Matter Transporter (what is this for?)
  • -1 Jade Knight (so searchable)
  • -1 Victory Viper (see Jade Knight)
  • +2 Honest (yes.)
  • +1 Monster Reborn (of course you need that)
  • +1 Scrap-Iron Scarecrow (good stall card)
  • +2 Book of Moon (Great tech card. It also helps you to make use of most monsters' dismal DEF.)
  • +1 Sangan (searches out everything but Blue Thunder)
  • +1 Mirror Force (because it's Mirror Force)

I don't know if this would help, but it seems like it should. So the deck would look like:

Runer5h 03:29, 14 July 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

My main goal is to make a deck while competitive, retains a Pseudo-Billy Deck look (i.e. Interdimensional Matter Transporter, jade knight, etc.) but these suggestions will be considered. any thing else?

Wait, you really didn't have a use for Transporter? Then cut the whole thing. I'd replace it with some negation - probably, either Dark Bribe or Solemn Judgment (if you're willing to pay for the latter, in life points and actual money). Runer5h 03:43, 14 July 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Oh, no I use all the cards. Surprisingly effectively to. ends ALOT of BS

You know, you could make this into a b1t(hin' fast synchro deck. Just putting it out there; if you threw in Chaos-End Master (searchable with Shining Angel), it could special summon Metal Shooter for an instant level 8 synchro. And you could use Lightwave Tuning for all the light monsters and tokens; in short, you'd get lots of level 8 synchro monsters (or 7 if Chaos-End Master was tuned with an option token).

If you like that idea, then I bet the deck would be something like this:

It's only a small change; I took out a Blue Thunder, a Power Capsule, a Karma Cut, and Scrap-Iron Scarecrow for two Chaos-End Masters and 2 Lightwave Tunings. I don't know if this is what you want, but if so it's a neat idea. You could also put in Morphtronic Scopen - it's a LIGHT Machine with less than 1200 ATK, so it can be recycled with Falchion Beta. But that's your choice. Runer5h 19:44, 14 July 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

I like these, but Chaos and honest are out of my budget, I don't like spending too much on cards.But lightwave tuning is definitely a addition I'll add if I get more than One Synchro (Only have the stater deck ones 09')----Helix

I am beside myself with glee.Lord British has made his way to the game.Sweet. He IS going in.--Helix

Huh. Konami is really dedicated to making a dedicated archetype out of Gradius. In any case, get Honest if you can. I don't care how you get it, but do. Your deck is centered around weak LIGHT monsters that need to destroy other monsters to use their effects, with the result that Honest is more valuable here than even in Lightsworns. Failing that, make room for Shrink and another Book of Moon (many monsters have lousy DEF scores). Runer5h 22:49, 14 July 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

It'll be on my to do list,how much would i expect to spend on buying one

Um... much. Like $75. If you're strapped for cash, I think you would do well to have three Shrink and three Book of Moon. Or you might want a way to reliably make token monsters for your opponent that you'll be able to destroy before they can be used. Runer5h 22:56, 14 July 2009 (UTC)Runer5h


Hehe. Gold Sarcophagus used to go for thousands of dollars before it was released in Gold Series 2. And yes, Honest probably does get more expensive - I googled "honest yugioh price" and 75 was at the top. Anyways, you need substitutes for Honest; as I suggested, Shrink and Book of Moon are good picks. Runer5h 23:11, 14 July 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

I was thinking like 10-20 bucks but 75, that's a little on the Bat-Shit-Crazy side, i WILL NOT spend that much on this game,I think I'll take my chances with packs

Yeah, it's weird. Runer5h 23:14, 14 July 2009 (UTC)Runer5h