Forum:The perfect deck for the wicked gods

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i think i found a better deck for the wickd god cards, from what i see, te wiced god cards can only be summoed b tributing 3 monsters, sure double couston can help lower the cost, but here is the thing, will your own mosters stay on the field that long, with double coston on the field, it wll reduce the amout oftime summonin one to 2 turns, but that is enough time for your opponent to summon a stroner monster to attack your own, even monsters with high defence points will be destroyed. so i sugest building a deck focused on defending your self till you have enough monsters on the field to tribute, causse lets face it, 3 monster is just too big of a cost t summon them. i sugest monster like spirit reaper, archana force 0 the fool, and other monsters that can't be destroyed by battle, cause they are almost guarenteed to stay on the field even after being attacked. i basikly challenge any one else to try to buil a deck like mine and try it out, maybe if you live near me, i won't say the exact place, but i will say that i live in michigan usa. so if we cancontact eachother, thn send me a message to ask me, i'll accept any duels, and if any of you guysare going to ask, this is my first tme posting in her, and i just regestered today on th same day as i post this message. and yes, i know my spelling and grammar sucks,