Forum:Too many harpies

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My friend and I have been getting into alot of arguments with a particular individual lately... it all started with the harpie's deck he made his little sister. Said deck contains 3 harpy lady 1, 3 harpy lady 2, three harpy lady 3, and 3 cyber harpy lady. According to the effect of these harpy ladies the name of the card is treated as harpy lady. It does not specify field, hand, graveyard or any other location. We looked it up and it said that this is in fact illegal since they are all considered harpy lady even in the deck.

His argument is that the only rules that matter are the ones in the rulebook, and the ones on the cards. That even tournament judges make their own rules depending on the situation and that playing Yu-Gi-Oh! in a tournament is actually a completely different game. The only other rules he will respect are ones specifically in the errata on Konami's website (which to my knowledge they only give the rulings of the last three sets...). He also claims you can Divine Wrath Exodia because exodia's effect activates and thus can be destroyed and since the cards themselves and the handbook don't say specifically that drawing all pieces of exodia is an instant win than you must activate the effect thus making it able to divine wrath it. -.-

I was just wondering exactly how many other people thought this was BS...Vampiremessiah51 23:59, March 24, 2010 (UTC)

Each judge making their own rules is nonsense. Konami and previously UDE have issued rulings that aren't printed on cards specifically to help with what wasn't made clear. Judges must follow these rules in tournaments. They are even examined on these rules in order to become a judge. Letting people make their own rules for official tournaments defeats that purpose. Not to mention creating a card game without definite rules is sloppy.
Does your friend know that Konami also post Individual Card Rulings on their website? The UDE website had more, but that site doesn't exist anymore. However there are other websites that have word-for-word reproductions. -- Deltaneos (talk) 00:28, March 25, 2010 (UTC)
I usually use netrep for my rulings. This guy says netrep and anything on YuGiOh Wiki is bogus lies because it isn't Konami. ONLY information on Konami's actual site is valid to him ><; Seriously Divine Wrathing Exodia because it doesn't specifically state that having exodia in your hand is a game winning condition? -.- That's how literal he is with this crap. My friend and I simply can't convince him that tournament and judge rulings are probably more accurate than any rulings we use in our day to day games!Vampiremessiah51 00:42, March 25, 2010 (UTC)
The rulings on Netrep are an exact duplicate of the ones posted on Konami's English Yu-Gi-Oh! site and the ones that were posted on UDE's English Yu-Gi-Oh! site, when they were in control of the TCG.
The only rulings we post on "Card Rulings" pages are the ones that were on the official English and Japanese sites or Netrep, Yu-judges and Shriek which are exact replicates of the Konami and UDE ones. People naturally distruct wikis, because anyone can post stuff there, but when pages offer official proof, you can't argue much with them.
I'm pretty sure that "Exodia's" effect doesn't activate, so "Divine Wrath" can't be chained, but I can't find official proof. -- Deltaneos (talk) 01:24, March 25, 2010 (UTC)
True ruling for ALL "Harpie Lady" monsters, except for Harpie Girl and Brother, as well as their pets, is that Cyber, 1, 2, 3, and original version are all same person. And via ruling of 3 copies per deck, those above mentioned lady are must be limited to 3 in single deck, not up to 12. So choose wisdom. --FredCat100 01:00, March 25, 2010 (UTC)

That's what me and my friend said. Luckily because of the idiot's own ruling he can no longer use his Birdface because by his rules he does not own a "Harpy Lady" which pissed him off to no end and he tried to argue it but either the Harpies are ALL harpy lady in the deck or they keep their original names and aren't Harpy Lady he can't have both so he had to take the birdfaces out of the deck -.- Vampiremessiah51 02:12, March 26, 2010 (UTC)

He won't be able to use Elegant Egotist either if he want to play by those rules. As for Exodia, he can't "destroy" a card that's not on the field, so he can't Divine Wrath it. 11:33, March 26, 2010 (UTC)

Divine Wrath can't negate Exodia not because it can't destroy it..its because Exodia effect donot activates..--Leonhartzz 11:46, March 26, 2010 (UTC)

Exodia doesn,t activates. At the same moment you have the 5 pieces in your hand, even if is in the middle of a chain when you draw the last one, you win the duel without your or your opponent cand do anything. It's like your opponent life points was 0. Elzam 12:41, March 26, 2010 (UTC)

Try this forum and read the max ruling from there; --FredCat100 12:44, March 26, 2010 (UTC)
why don't you guys try reading above? I know the max 3 rule, and that Exodia does not activate, I'm giving the OP logical arguments so that his friend gets frustrated with not being able to play the game the way he wants to because his own (false) rulings backfire on him, because they aren't official or correct. 15:13, March 26, 2010 (UTC)