Forum:Tragoedia related with Zorc the Dark One

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Is Traegodia (character) related to Zorc the Dark One, Just like Thief King Bakura, and Diabound --Dragon146 (talkcontribs) 18:13, July 17, 2013 (UTC)

To my understanding: No. IMO Diabound is Thief King Bakuras Ka, as is Traegodia the Ka of a former citizen of Kul Elna who survived the village's massacre, and well you can see the rest if you don't already know. I say no solely because I don't recall anything hinting at any connection between the two although that multiple people where enraged so much and otherwise and a Ka of such great power in such a small time frame apparently caused by their emotions on reaction to a ratehr nasty thing which other than being for the purpose of a magic ritual shouldn't be much nastier than other things they would have seen/been aware of etc; makes it very suspicious so I suppose you could argue there is something more happening than two people being more effected by a generic horrible event than people normally are, so make of that what you will... --slave(command) 10:56, July 18, 2013 (UTC)