Forum:Tribute summoning?

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I know this is going to be a strange question but can i tribute more then 2 monsters for a level 7 or higher? I ask this because of cards like Fog King that gains its power from monsters that were tributed for him. It doesn't say it has to be 2 and when i read the tribute page it says requires to send two for level 7 or higher (as a condition to normal summon it from my hand). Also, for Moisture Creature , in order for it's effect to activate, i have the option to tribute 3 monsters instead of two.

So if anyone has any suggestions, arguments, information, or opinions that they would like to share, it would be GREATLY appreciated!

Rike, Lightlord of time 08:40, November 24, 2009 (UTC)


You have to tribute 2 monsters unless the effect tells you you can tribute 3 monsters for it's summon, like Moisture Creature.

Thank you very much.Rike, Lightlord of time 18:03, November 24, 2009 (UTC)