Forum:VWXYZ Machina Deck

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As seen, this is a pure machine deck that relies on solitary and machine assembly line to strengthen my monsters easily. Two solidaritys led me to easily get a 2.1k att machina peacekeeper! (Though it just happened)

Of course, using cards like honest and light-based cards would help, but the point to this deck is that it easily fends enemies through solidarity and resurrection (not via summoning though) like roll out and machine assembly line. I added monster gate to try, it kinda works in destroying machina peacekeepers in order to get a extra union monster and a new monster. Machina fortress is decent and absolutely great in this deck, and cyber dragons fend alot of time and power in this deck.

I also have cards such as the typical staples such as magic cylinder, reckless inferno summon and blast sphere. So yeah, this deck works, but I want to make it better. Please comment and review!

Thanks! :)

You can cut back on traps and add Jinzo/Jinzo - Returner/Future Fusion/Chimeratech Overdragon to shut out traps and make a powerfull combo.

User:Taylor ace