Forum:Vampire's Curse: cumulative ATK raise?

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According to my roommate, in Tag Force 3, Vampire's Curse's ATK increase was accumulative with each successive use of its effect (so, the first time it's effect kicks in, it goes to 2500 ATK, then 3000 ATK, and etc.). Nothing in the rulings or the card's effect states this, and I'd think that the ATK increase would reset each time it goes to the graveyard. So, is this true? Does Vampire's Curse's ATK gain accumulate? Or is this a glitch in the game? 02:13, 16 July 2009 (UTC)

It does not accumulate. The ATK increase disappears when "Curse of Vampire" is removed from the field.
It must be a glitch.
--Deus Ex Machina (Talk) 05:25, 16 July 2009 (UTC)