Forum:Water Cloudian help!

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I am thinking of making a Cloudian/Water deck, using Mother Grizzly and maybe Nightmare Penguin with Coudians, and I'm wondering if A Legendary Ocean/Tornado Wall/Field Barrier will work for Cloudians. I know that this will make Cloudian - Nimbusman 4 stars and prevent his first effect, but I think Tornado Wall is perfect for most of the Cloudians and ALMOST as good as The Sanctuary in the Sky in this situation. Will this idea work well, and if so, could you provide me a few suggestions? ty74.177.138.108 02:58, November 9, 2009 (UTC)


--Yes, but wouldn't A Legendary Ocean and Tornado Wall also work to nullify damage? Even though this takes 2 cards instead of 1, A Legendary Ocean both powers up Cloudians and reduces their stars by 1, making even the 4 star ones able to work with Gravity Bind; plus, you could use the 1900 attk Warrior of Atlantis to search for it. Unlike The Sanctuary in the Sky, Tornado Wall reduces ALL battle damage you take to 0, not just from battles with your fairy monsters; and, you can use field barrier to help keep it on the field.

I do agree about not including Nightmare Penguin, even though I really like the card... 23:36, November 9, 2009 (UTC)

I completely agree that Spirit Barrier is probably better than both Tornado Wall and The Sanctuary in the Sky in this case, which is why I would probably have 2 Spirit Barriers and then ALSO have 2 of either The Sanctuary in the Sky or A Legendary Ocean w/ 1 Tornado Wall. 18:33, November 10, 2009 (UTC)