Forum:What Two Monsters Would You Like To See Fused?

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I have already made a discussion about this but i think it needs to come back. Anyway all you need to do is comment on what you think should be the next fusion monster. So i would like to see 3x Dark Magicians fused creating a monster called: Dark Magician Squad. After you made a card tell us something about it and then comment on someone elses. (PLEASE REMEMBER TO USE 4 OF THESES: ~ )

Owen13 06:56, May 3, 2010 (UTC)

Light End Dragon + Dark End Dragon = ...Light and Darkness Dragon? Shoot. Back to the drawing board. --Gadjiltron 07:03, May 3, 2010 (UTC)

Well, what I would like to see fused is an Elemental Hero + FIRE monster, and also an Elemental Hero + DARK monster, similar to the other Elemental Heroes Fusions consisting of an Elemental Hero and a monster with an attribute. When such a thing exist, it will make Super Polymerization quite a viable choice, because now you can remove any of the opponent's monster and use it as your fusion material monster, essentially removing them for free. As for the effects, I am not quite sure what will be the best one, but FIRE Fusion will probably do Burn damage to the opponent equals to half the total ATK of the monsters used for fusion (Lava Golem will be a deadly choice of Fusion Material then), and the DARK Fusion will let the player remove a monster from the opponent's grave and gain ATK or monster effect. While we are in the subject of the Elemental Hero fusion, let's also propose a DIVINE Elemental Hero Fusion (Elemental Hero + DIVINE monster), with a super-powerful effect.

Another interesting fusion that I would like to see is a fusion of two plant monsters, to make a better plant monster. Right now I would think Botanical Lion + Gigantic Cephalotus, which, when fused, produce a monster with high ATK (preferably 3100 ATK to trump the 3000 ATK super monsters like Judgment Dragon), can further increase its ATK (through sending plants to graveyard), control cannot switch, and treats all monsters for the controller on the field and graveyard as Plants. A fusion monster like this will make plants even better, because Gigaplant has access the the graveyard, Mark of the Rose is much more accessible, and more importantly, Wall of Thorns is 10 times easier to use. Now, this seems like it will make the card broken, but keep in mind due to the state of the game, Synchro monsters are much easier to summon than this card (and has deadly effects to boot), and Fusions are required to have a superb effect to make it stand out. The only drawback I can see this monster having is that the Fusion Material monsters are irreplaceable.

A novel fusion that will make things interesting is a monster consisting of a Trap Monster as its fusion material. Trap monsters are ordinarily difficult to maintain on the field, but the fusion monster like this could have a great effect to compensate that. Let's take an example, say, Zoma the Spirit + Skull Servant. Fusing the two will make a monster that will be treated as if two Skull Servants are in the graveyard when in the graveyard, destroys an opponents monster and do burn damage at the same time when destroyed (in any way) and protects other monsters by taking the hit by redirecting the attack to it. It will probably have 700 ATK and 2100 DEF (total ATK and DEF of the fusion material monsters switched).

That's all from me. Alrightio 10:34, May 3, 2010 (UTC)

I think one great idea would be some Fortune Lady fusions, since there abilities rely closely on other Fortune Ladies on the field. I think 3 fusions would be ideal, so as not to mimic the idea of Elemental/Destiny/Evil Heroes cards, and the deck wouldnt be hindered by anti-fusion cards.

So, I would like to see the following three combinations

Fortune Lady Earth + Fortune Lady Fire= Fortune Lady( or Princess? Perhaps?) Pyro

      -Lv/7, FL Star boosting effects during standy phase X500, For every fortune lady on the field, this card gains an additional star level during the battle phase only. (Just to add a solid beatstix while incorporating it's swarming/archtype effect. 

Fortune Lady Wind + Fortune Lady Water= Fortune Lady(Princess)Thunder

      -Lv/7, FL Star Boosting Effects during Standby phase X500, As long as another Fortune Lady is on the field, this card is immune to your opponents spell/trap cards.

Fortune Lady Dark + Fortune Lady Light= Fortune Lady(Princess)Divine

     -Lv/7, FL Star Boosting Effects during Standby phase X500, While a Fortune Lady Light and Dark remain in your graveyard, this card gains both their effects. 

Im not sure if that would be a bit OP for an archtype, But consider the low power the fortune ladies have, I think it would a fair trade off. Though I admit the third is a bit unoriginal, I think it retains the strategy of the these unique cards.

Tell me what you think, and improve the third one if you have a better idea. Rustyleeh 11:22, May 3, 2010 (UTC)

Batteryman AA + Inaba the white rabbit = Energizer Bunny. 11:30, May 3, 2010 (UTC)

@Rustyleeh: Fortune Ladies have low power? I don't think so, I think they're already quite powerful, excellent swarmers, and become quite powerful very quickly, particularly with all their support.
@Special contributions: lol Energizer Bunny, that would be an awesome fusion. Konami should make Energizer pay them for helping them advertise, either that or change the name and look slightly it's not the actual trademark, but everyone knows what it is.
I'd love to see some Super Polymerization only fusions, particularly element to another element (Fire and water, Fire and Fire, etc.), and type to another type (warrior and plant, plant and plant, etc.) As well as some more random fusions with specific materials.
More synchro fusions would be nice too, Queen of Thorns + 1 plant = Rose Queen
Oh, and I want a Yubel fusion with Wingweaver! Thorn of RosenYubel 12:00, May 3, 2010 (UTC)

How about a fusion monster of all 7 monarchs?--Hide Head Turtle 12:07, May 3, 2010 (UTC)

I agree. Fortune Ladies are already powerful, provided you know how to build a deck for them and how you use it.
Fusing all the monarchs sound like a cool idea.
On another note. Glads need a 5 Monster contact fusion. Because they can xD Falzar FZ 12:11, May 3, 2010 (UTC)
Fusion, all 7 monarches: _____ The Divine Monarch / Monarch of the Cosmos
Divine / Divine Beast / level 12 / 3400/3400
Once per turn you may select up to 2 cards anywhere on the field and do 1 of the following:
  • place them on top of their respective controller's deck in any order
  • destroy them
  • send them to the graveyard and the controller of the card draws 1 card for each card sent by this effect.
  • remove them from play
  • change control of the selected cards to the respective card owners' opponent, until the end phase of this turn.
This card may not attack the same turn you activate this effect.

it's broke because it'd be next to impossible to summon using 7 level 5-6 fusion material monsters. :P Thorn of RosenYubel 12:59, May 3, 2010 (UTC)

How about a fusion of Kuriboh, Winged Kuriboh & Kuribon? It's effect could be:

You take no battle damage while this card is on the feild.
You can tribute this card to redirect any potential battle damage at the opponent.
You can tribute this card to special summon or add to your hand up to 2 cards with 'Kuriboh' in their name, is called 'Kuribon' or has a direct link to a 'Kuriboh' card.

A fusion of the Core warships would be cool, Be a Neos-Neos fusion could be cooler. Elemental Badass NeosPrime<-- one day that link could work :) --Helix-king 21:34, May 4, 2010 (UTC)

Cyber Chaos Magician

Chaos Command Magician+Cybernetic Magician

LIGHT, Level 8, Spellcaster-type, 2700 ATK/2900 DEF

Lore:This card cannot be Fusion Summoned except with the above Fusion Material monsters. This card is unaffected by monster effects. When a Spellcaster-Type monster you control battles with an opponent's monster, you can pay Life Points in multiples of 100 (max 2000) to increase the ATK of that monster until the end of the Damage Step.PoirotH 09:39, May 5, 2010 (UTC)