Forum:Which 'Meta' Cards can Necovally stop?

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So. Necrovalley is annoying to some players, but which key cards can it stop?

anything else? (I know it can't stop Stardust Dragon or Goyo Guardian(in tcg)) Also, would it stop Infernity Gun's summoning effect? ~- 14:58, January 26, 2010 (UTC)

Goyo Guardian's effect works just like that of the Jackals, so it's not just in the TCG that Necrovally won't stop it (it doesn't target the monster destroyed, and Necrovally specifically negates effects that target the graveyard). Which makes me wonder why it isn't used in a Necrovally deck. 15:41, January 26, 2010 (UTC)

CHAOS SORCEROR. If this card is currently "meta", that is. i happen to think its all that.

"In the TCG, the first effect of "Necrovalley" only negates cards that target a card(s) in the Graveyard, plus the exceptions listed here.

In the OCG, the first effect of "Necrovalley" negates any effect that affects another card in the Graveyard, regardless of whether or not it targets. "

"* "Goyo Guardian's" effect does not target.

  • If "Goyo Guardian" destroys your monster that your opponent controls, you can Special Summon it from your Graveyard."

so it would stop ocg goyo, no?~- 16:51, January 26, 2010 (UTC)

Again, Goyo Guardian works just like the Jackals, and the Jackals are not stopped by Necrovalley, in either OCG or TCG, so I'd say no, Necrovalley wouldn't stop it. 17:05, January 26, 2010 (UTC)
In OCG, Goyo Guardian cannot special summon the destroyed by battle monster. His effect affects the destroyed by battle monster in the Graveyard. Ghost Knight of Jackal should work the same. ATEMVEGETA (Talk) 22:23, January 26, 2010 (UTC)
But it doesn't; I know the games aren't exactly a reliable way of testing these rulings, but the Tag Force games are based on the OCG rulings, and I can confirm that Necrovalley does not negate the effect of the Jackal monsters in those games. So, again, Goyo Guardian, having the same effect as Ghost Knight of Jackal, shouldn't be negated by Necrovalley. 01:11, January 27, 2010 (UTC)
Though anyway~ I know it does work on goyo, what 'does' it work on?, can you name any lightsworn/blackwing/nyaa-syncro/twighlight/glads/DAD+dark support that i missed?~- 03:47, January 27, 2010 (UTC)
Here's a ruling:
Q: "Goyo Guardian" destroys a monster by battle when "Necrovalley" is active.
In this case, can the opponent's monster that "Goyo Guardian" destroyed by battle be Specil Summoned to your side of the field?
A: It is not possible.(08/05/01)
I don't know why in Tag Force works otherwise. The same with WC09. Maybe it's a game glitch.
ATEMVEGETA (Talk) 15:49, January 27, 2010 (UTC)
Oh, for the love of... Don't tell me we're going to have another case of Rampart Blaster-level BKSS ruling dichotomy. Does it say anything about whether either of the Jackals activate while Necrovalley is active? Because if they don't, then they just screwed up a key lockdown card interaction, and thoroughly confused the hell out of both sides. 16:24, January 27, 2010 (UTC)
No, I don't see something about Ghost Knight of Jackal. But he should work the same way with Goyo Guardian. ATEMVEGETA (Talk) 18:33, January 27, 2010 (UTC)
That doesn't make any sense. Why would the OCG explicitly say "no" to this combo, but the TCG explicitly states "yes"? Are you sure that's an official OCG ruling site? And I'm pretty sure the Tag Force games are NOT glitchy, as the combo can work just fine in every one of them. Haven't tried it in the World Championship games, but I suspect it would be the same, with them, too. And I know the Tag Force games run off of the OCG rules, because Parry, Disarm, and Gladiator's Return aren't limited to Gladiator Beast Monsters, for their effects, in the games (which is a limit that the TCG put in, for some stupid reason). I'm sorry if it seems like I'm arguing against this arbitrarily, but I'm building a Jackal-Lock deck with this combo in mind (or something like it, with The End of Anubis in place of Necrovalley), and I want to make damn sure the rulings for this are solid before I do any more tinkering with it. 19:58, January 27, 2010 (UTC)
The Japanese Wiki has Semi-Official rulings, not absolutely official. Sometimes, TCG and OCG rulings contradict with each other. Necrovalley in TCG can only negate effects that target cards in the Graveyard, and since Ghost Knight of Jackal doesn't target, his effectis not negated. In OCG, Necrovalley negates any effect that affects a card(s) in the Graveyard. Ghost Knight of Jackal affects a monster in the Graveyard, thus it will be negated. ATEMVEGETA (Talk) 22:41, January 27, 2010 (UTC)
But the English Necrovalley says it negates cards that "affect" cards in the graveyard, so why was it translated to "targets cards in the graveyard" in the TCG? Bah, why hasn't Konami straightened up these ruling discrepancies, yet? Now that they control the whole of the game, it should be a simple matter to errata the rules to be uniform for both OCG and TCG. 22:48, January 27, 2010 (UTC)
Necrovalley works that way in TCG because of an old ruling that was posted in the Old Judge List. Until it gets an update we will follow it the way the ruling says. ATEMVEGETA (Talk) 22:53, January 27, 2010 (UTC)
Well, at least The End of Anubis still works, for now. What do they consider a card effect that "affects" cards in the graveyard, anyway? If Goyo Guardian's effect won't work on it, even though it doesn't target, does that mean that oall of the other cards that's listed as not targeting in Necrovalley's ruling, like Revival Jam or Twin-Headed Behemoth, are negated, too?
Both "~ Knight of Jackal" cards will be negated by "Necrovalley", in the OCG.
An effect is considered to "affect" a card(s) in the Graveyard if it can remove another card from the Graveyard. "Ghost Knight of Jackal" removes another card from the Graveyard, so it is negated. "Revival Jam" only removes itself from the Graveyard, so it cannot remove another card from the Graveyard, so it isn't negated. Yes, it's kinda complex, which may be why the game isn't playing it correctly.
There are many, many ruling contradictions. Konami hasn't even re-posted all the old, obviously-correct rulings, and the OCG FAQ is being slightly re-organised, so it's likely that they're trying to get all the new rulings together. Remember, they have ~8 years of cards to go through, which is going to take a while.
--Deus Ex Machina (Talk) 05:38, January 28, 2010 (UTC)