Forum:Yubel deck help and ideas

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Just wondering if anyone can help me out with ideas of things to replace or add. Ive lost plenty of times to Infernity's Blackwings and the like.

k you shulds have a bunch of cards that make you opponent atk you and alot of tokens and at lest two cards that whan they die they come back at the end phese, not just by your opponents card effects yours too. the card tokkons are good for tributes for yubel and the cards that come back are good for yubel terror incarnate you also want mystic tomatos so you can summon yubel from your deck without tributing. the coalculator is good to. the yubel forms all have high stars so he'll have a ton of atk. snipe hunters a card you can put in but it dosint matter he'll get ride of the yubel froms for the next one and divine wrath is good. if you dont have any tributes for yubel you can you'se it to conter his effect and get the next form. i run a yubel deck so dont mess up. i hate crapy yubel decks good luck.

oh i forgot one thing yubel decks cant win against black wing decks they are the perfect conters for yubel so i edvise makeing a gaining deck for them. bye bye now.but fix your yubel deck its crappy.