Forum:Yusei`s turbo deck

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Monsters: 24

Spells: 14

Traps: 7

Extra Deck: 14

This is a deck that i made after many and many prototipes and testing games, it`s a very decent and competitive deck but I still feel that it needs something more, I had tought in a boss monster that doesn´t need to be in the extra deck for no over depend of the extradeck beacause that dependecse is a waekspot of this deck but I can`t tink in one that fit and armonize with the rest of the deck. Any opinion or sugestion for tish deck, an idea for make it better?

-Big funk

Try this

TwosidedDragon 18:12, March 29, 2010 (UTC)

Het man tanks for the recomend, your deck it`s muchu more balanced that my original idea, the big diference is that your deck does`nt try to center in two themes at the same time (quickdraw and stardust in his other forms) so I`ll take the stardust part out of the base of the deck, so this is wath I have.

-Big funk 30/03/10

Fleur de Chevalier?

What's that doing in your extra deck? It's an anime only card.

-Big funk 24/05/10