Forum:Zombie deck help...

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My current deck so far is: Extra deck: 1x Stardust dragon 1x ancient fairy dragon ( I only have these 2 incase i special summon the oppositions tuners.

Monsters: 3x Pyramid turtle 3x Zombie master 1x Malevolent Mech - Goku en 2x Paladin of the cursed dragon 2x Getsu fuhma 1x Armageddon knight 1x Il blud 1x Marionette Mite 1x Patrician of darkness 1x Red eyes zombie dragon 1x Exiled force 3x Soul absorbing bone tower

Spells: 1x Heavy storm 1x Giant trunade 3x Everliving underworld cannon 1x Magical stone excavation 1x Call of the mummy 2x Zombie world 2x Terraforming 1x Mystical space typhoon 2x Book of life

Traps: 1x Bottomless trap hole 2x Sakuretsu armor 2x Tutan mask 1x Dark bribe

My main goal in the deck is to swarm and burn and possibly mill if I have soul absorbing on, I have a exiled force in as i can use his effect to give me space to special summon and to destroy enemy monsters.

The cards I have out of the deck and would have in if it did not go past 40 are: 1x Card destruction 1x Book of moon 1x Dust tornado 1x Raigeki break 1x Spirit reaper 1x Des lacooda 1x Shrink 2x Plague wolf 1x Reckless greed.

Could you please reply with any tips on what I should take out/put in or consider getting (try to keep it a low budget though) Thanks.

Oh and another card I would like to add but don't have the space is 1 call of the haunted.

And another card i forgot is creature swap ( I think it would work nicely with pyramid turtle)

And a call of the haunted

Any tips please!

Essentially, if you have access to 2 copies of Mezuki, put them in the deck. Runer5h 20:48, November 24, 2009 (UTC)Runer5h