Forum:Zombies and Dinos

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First things first, I'm a very casual Yugioh player, and I usually only play around 4 different people, two of which pose no threat. The other two use a variance of 4 decks: A Water deck, a morphtronic deck, a warrior/Six Samurai deck, and a Kuriboh deck. The water and morphtronic decks are stall decks. He relies on hitting gravity bind or morphtronic bind in both. He has a lot of instant kill effects in both decks, and his play style is really slow and annoying. The other friend uses a mixture of warriors with a large splash of Six Samurai monsters (he's missing one, but has 2 of all the rest + one grandmaster and one great shogun shien). Most of the monsters are really weak and he relies heavily on equip cards. Last, but not least is the Kuriboh deck. It was put together in a real hurry, but it has all the essentials of a kuriboh, but lacks attack power.

I use a Zombie deck and a Dinosaur deck that are fairly similar in style. I don't use synchro summons (though I would like to if the freaking Plaguespreader Zombie wasn't so darned expensive!), but neither do my opponents. My Dino deck is pretty much cut and paste from this site except the added Skill Drains and Lightning Vortexes so I won't list it. Here is my zombie list:

I have Il Blud coming in the mail and I need to find something in my deck to replace with it.

A few abnormalities I know already: Zombie Tiger: I use him because I don't have any level 3 or lower zombies with 1400 or more attack. Vampire Lord: Seems strange at first, but once solidarity or Burden of the Mighty are out he becomes a major force to be dealt with as instant kills will only bring him back to the field. Regenerating Mummy & Despair from the Dark: Should be noted that none of the people I play with use any cards that make me discard from my hand so the effects are worthless. Des Lacooda: Garbage card unless I have Patrician of Darkness or Lady in Wight out to protect him. Magical Mallet: Monster zones fill up so quickly that I use this card to discard extra stuff in my hand to hopefully get Solidarity or Burden.

Any suggestions (besides Mezuki or Plaguespreader Zombie...WAY too expensive) would be appreciated.

That should be a bit faster, and I don't think it's that expensive from memory, based on your opponents, use Pyramid Turtle to get out Il Blud if you don't have Solidarity, and Vampire Lord if you do, Book of Life and Zombie Master recycle your Pyramid Turtle so you can easier get out the big monsters.

As your deck is entirly zombies anyway, I felt Zombie World was uneccesary.

Creature Swap can stick a turtle on foes field, then you can attack it for a free monster.

Everything else should be simple I think-Resk-10:54, May 25, 2010 (UTC)