Giant Rex (ROD)

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Giant Rex
Jaianto Rekkusu
Level 4
Number 445
Type Dinosaur
Summon Earth
Deck Cost 319
ATK / DEF 2000 / 1200

An earth dinosaur with a finned back that boasts a high ATK.
It never fails to bring down targeted prey.

Password 80280944

Obtained by

"Giant Rex" can be purchased in the shop.

  • When the player wins a Duel, a number of cards are added to the shop. Each has an intended probability of 24/30,000 of being this card. But due to a bias in the random number generation, it is actually a probability of 48/65,536.
  • When the player enters this card's password (80280944), it appears in the shop.

Other languages

Name Lore
French Rex Géant
German Riesiger Rex
Italian Rex Gigante
Spanish Rex Gigante


In other media