User:Epic Lee

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I've been watching Yu-Gi-Oh since it premiered in the United States, sticking with the show as a true fan. In my teen years I went and watched the original Japanese cut episodes, which greatly suppressed me how much difference there was between the content and quality.

Views on Dueling[edit]

My real life decks don't follow any Archetypes, because most archetype decks like the Six Samurai and Blackwings and Dark World all follow a specific formula. Essentially, people who use these types tend to Net Deck, copying regional champions and others who win often enough to call themselves 'Pro'.

I don't believe in the concept of 'staple' cards, a deck can be 40-60 cards of any of your choosing, you don't need to have Monster Reborn or Dark Hole or Mystical Space Typhoon. They help, but not having them doesn't actually effect the quality of the deck. If all the other cards have the potential to help each other and overcome your opponent, then that's a winning deck.

In dueling, I live by a few rules.

  • #1. Have Fun.
    • If you can't enjoy a duel, then you and your opponent are doing something wrong.
  • #2. Don't be a dick.
    • Just respect your opponent, give them time to think, a little room for error, and don't insult them, their skills, or their deck.
  • #3. Think outside the deck
    • There are nearly 6,000 cards in the game. Don't limit yourself to a set formula. Experiment, find new strategies, new ways of getting around your opponent, stop OTK in their tracks by using an obscure card combination that may not win you the Match, but you will win the Duel.

I generally use two decks, one thats comprised of mostly Zombies, and the other is cards that I like that can take an opponent down, no matter what strategy they are using. Both have won tournaments and can stand up to any deck, given the right circumstances. Luck of the draw, and belief in my cards.

Apocalypse Deck[edit]

I designed this deck with Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Transer, and have since upgraded it over time.

Regional Zombies[edit]

I have started to train so I may someday compete in a Regional style tournament, and so, in order to be able to compete against a higher level of deck intensity, some changes were needed, such as cutting down the deck and adding more trap cards dealing with attacks. Cards I Side Deck with this include Tuner's Scheme, Chthonian Polymer, and Bottomless Trap Hole, mostly for situational duels against Dark World, Elemental HERO, and (on the rare but still possible occasion) Synchro decks such as Plant Synchro / Tech Genus / Dragunity.


  1. This card isn't always included in the deck, but it is my favorite card in the game, so I include it as an honorable mention.