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I'm a dude and not into the whole gay thing either so forget it!

This is za YGO FAQ with Me

Played YGO since... 5 years back or so (2009 today)

I remember my first deck.. it was shitty leftovers from my friend! :P

With time I bought the latest Structure deck out.. Spellcaster's Judgment!! It suited my personality somewhat, Warriors isn't bad for me either but my friend already had it so I bought this instead... I love this structure.. suited me perfectly!

So naturally I continued with spellcasters for a while.. after that I got to the era when I used like 90 cards in the deck which was just full with epic cards from Dark Eradicator Warlock to Lava Golem :P

But later I got more serious and pulled it down to 40 and no Golem :P

Started Machine next, plain (no archtype). It pwned really great and I loved it too!

After that I've been trying to get a Dark Scorpion deck (and later Crystal Beast) but I also got a PS3 so you know :P

Elemental-Hero along with YGO GX was new and I got into them! Got a deck built and alot of Fusions!

I did build Six Samurai though.. My friend hated it when it was new and he didn't got Shogun or Grandmaster.. I wanted to try something new and I practically got his deck free! I saw potential in it and damn.. The best deck I've played and it just pwnes all! Seriously I love it!

I also bought a half bad Ritual from another friend just 6 months ago that is now a Demise OTK which pwnes also, still missing a few cards but no big ones..

Other than that I also played the GBA and NDS games, currently playing the latest DS, 5D's Accelerator!

Among the years I've done Exodia, Archfiend, Fiend, Burn, Chain-Burn, Heal-Burn, Mill, Necro-Mill and probably alot more that I forgot...

Currently been playing with Lightsworn and Lightsworn Twilight which wipes put most enemies!

End of FAQ

Feel free to check my Deck Help thread "Help Tuning my Six Samurai" Which I created in June-July..

My latest deck I just build cause I needed to clear the Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill Challenge on 5D's Accelerator

Next up will be a Destiny Hero deck for The Plasma Challenge... I'll be done with that one this week...