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Please watch my passionate idol activities.

I basically only play online these days. You can find me on DN or YGOpro usually. If you want to duel me or something, hit me up here:

So yeah I'm basically just listing decks here and that to look back on and remember or to easily see if I ever need too.

Current Decks[edit]

Deck's I'm actively playing at the moment, be it irl or on YGOPro.

Dragon Decks[edit]

I've been using Dragon Decks since I was a kid. The earliest I can remember properly came from the Structure Deck: Dragon's Roar, although I'm sure I had Vanilla Dragon decks before that. Here I'll list how my Dragon Deck has evolved since back then. Please note, Due to having lost my old decklists the decks listed are the current existing versions of the deck (That are used in games, for example.), so some cards might be different from how they were back then. The deck did undergo a brief, drastic change when I decided to replace my regular Dragon deck with a Cyber Dragon deck due to the banning of Ravine, but has since come back after a long time with the new build, which I spent a long time debating between whether to go with the Yang-Zing Wyrms or stick with good ol' Dragons.

WC08 Decks[edit]

Deck's from the game World Championship 2008 I've been playing lately. One of my all time favorite Yugioh games so I do revisit it often enough for it to deserve it's own section, I think.

Old Decks[edit]

I hardly use these but couldn't be bothered to remove them, you know. They are super outdated by now though. Mostly used in video games but those saves are long gone so they go here.

  • Oh how I hope the ZW archetype gets some more support. Do it for me, Yuma. We need another searcher.

  • GUST-O
  • Eria is best girl
  • This deck is outdated as fuck now. I have a new version but couldn't be bothered updating yolo