User talk:Zephur2

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Tour Guide searches out a Level 3 Fiend. Putting Tour Guide into a Madolche deck means her only function is to search out other Tour Guides. Not exactly Madolche support. Effect Veiler and Maxx "C" are splashable staples, able to go in any deck, and don't need to be pointed out in anyone's Recommended list. Similarly, Torrential Tribute is not a staple. It's powerful, certainly, but can't go in just any deck. To use an example on hand, the Madolche themselves can't run it because it interferes with their ability to recycle themselves. You'll notice there is a staple monster on that list already, in the form of Stardust Dragon, but that's because he's vital to keeping the Madolche back row from being wiped out en masse. He's valuable because he keeps the vital combo cards safe from harm, where very few cards are able to protect Spells and Traps from such a wide variety of threats. He's also easily summoned with Starlight Road, another card good at protecting the field from mass destruction, which the Madolche need. Tour Guide's only purpose is to get out a Rank 3 monster, which the Madolche are capable of on their own with great ease. They don't need outside help in that regard.GentleBones (talkcontribs) 06:19, October 6, 2013 (UTC)


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I'm gonna remind you that Madolche are already rife with their own Level 3 monsters that are easy as pie (if you'll forgive the pun) to get out onto the field. Mewfeuille and Hootcake make all of that easy, and there's overlooked support like Baaple. They don't have a problem getting Rank 3 out on their own. Further, Redox lets you summon from the Graveyard, is a potent defensive wall in an emergency situation, and can put a Madolche from your hand to the Graveyard - between Chateau, Tiaramisu, and Ticket, your hand is going to be filled with monsters if you actually play correctly. And besides that, with further Level 7 monsters - like the Ancient Fairy Dragons I include in my build - coupled with Redox, Rank 7 support is possible. Don't act like I don't know how to play this deck, I've been playing it since April 2012 you goon.GentleBones (talkcontribs) 05:22, October 7, 2013 (UTC)