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Forum:Lucky Arcana Force Deck.

Hey, just updated my Arcana Force Deck, just wanting opinions and help about cards and rough prices. Have spent roughly £30 altogether and am willing to go another £20. Here it is 3* Arcana Force 0 - The Fool 2* Arcana Force I - The Magician 2* Arcana Force III - The Empress 2* Arcana Force IV - The Emperor 2* Arcana Force VI - The Lovers 2* Arcana Force VII - The Chariot 1* Arcana Force XIV - Temperance 1* Arcana Force XVIII - The Moon 1* Arcana Force XXI - The World 1* Arcana Force EX - The Dark Ruler 1* Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler ((I have another of the world and the Light Ruler, but am unsure weither or not to enclude them.))

1* DUCKER Mobile Cannon 1* Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca 1* Sangan

Spells. 3* Light Barrier 1* Second Coin Toss 1* Cup of Ace (i have another in my folder somewhere) 1* Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen 1* Fissure 1* Mystical Space Typhoon 1* Heavy Storm

Traps 2* Arcana Call 2* Lucky Chance 2* Reversal of Fate 1* Torrential Tribute 1* Karma Cut 1* Dark Bribe 1* Chaos Burst Any and All Help is Much apreciated. Thanks Chris. 13:15, May 9, 2010 (UTC) -->
  • ------Hey, Mantisque here. I see you're building an Arcana Force Deck. (btw, next time use the Decklist Template --> Your build...needs some work. I'm not sure how much YGO cards cost in the United Kingdom, but I know for a fact that you'll be spending alot more than £20 if you want an Arcana Force Deck that can hold on during duels. Sorry to say...

Ok, we'll start with the Monsters:

That's that for the Arcana Monsters. Now on to the other Monsters. DUCKER Mobile Cannon and Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca are utterly useless. Sangan is a pretty good call on the other hand. Don't have to use these monsters, but I highly suggest them for any Fairy Deck.

  • Honest - Run 1 or 2 of this guy. Awesome for beat sticking.
  • Hecatrice - just run 1. Unless you're having a difficult time keeping monsters on the field, then run 2.
  • Shining Angel - run 2. Basically the searchers of the deck. And since most of your Arcana monsters and other Light monsters have 1500 or less ATKs, you have so many options.
  • Athena - Not a major 'must have' card, but still pretty darn good. 2600 ATK. Not to mention 600 effect damage whenever a Fairy Type Monster is summoned. Goes especially well with Empress and The Moon. Plus, she's a pseudo-Creator, send 1 fairy monster to the graveyard and special summon a different one. And no summoning restrictions too.
  • Splendid Venus - run just 1. 2800 ATK, lowers opponent's monsters' ATKs by 500, and protects your Spells and Traps during activation. No Summoning restrictions, so it can be special summoned by Valhalla.

There are alot of notable Fairy/Light monsters, and spot-lighting them all here would take forever. So you'll just have to research for them. But the ones I mentioned above would make you pretty much good to go.

And now for the Spells:

  • Light Barrier - good call for running 3. It's effect has no downside to it, so if you get a tails, nothing bad happens.
  • Second Coin Toss - I suggest you run 2. It's effect does not only apply to monsters, but also to Spells and Traps that use a coin flip.
  • Cup of Ace - Probably Side Deck this. You can switch this in and out whenever is necessary.
  • [[Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen] - Yeah, just run 1. Pretty self-explanatory
  • Heavy Storm and Mystical Space Typhoon are pretty much Deck Staples.
  • Lightwave Tuning – Very useful for Synchros. You can Side deck this. Run 3 if not Side decking
  • Cestus of Dagla – For a bit more beat sticking. You can side deck this. Run 1 or 2 if not side decking
  • Solidarity - This is a good card if you want to run down your opponent. However, I don't advise to use this card if you're running a Sangan in your deck.

Not alot of Spells, but keep in mind, the deck revolves more around the Effects of the Arcana Monsters. Anywho, now for the Traps:

Like I said, There alot of cards out there that can make this deck better. I'm just not going to give you all of them. You're going to have to do a bit of research yourself. And also, the cards I mentioned above, you don't have to use them in your deck. They are just mere suggestions. Good Luck! Mantisque 03:25, May 15, 2010 (UTC)

  • the fool cannot be destroyed in battle! this can be vital if you havent got light barrier or second coin toss on the field as it gives you time to draw them, run 3! i dont think Mantisque realised this other effect.
  • honest: 2 is definately nessessary, may be slightly expensive though
  • second coin toss: run 3 obviously, you deck centres around luck!! Richierapture 11:54, May 16, 2010 (UTC)