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User:Dark Ace SP

1,027 bytes added, 13 years ago
For Others and Decks for Free
* 1 [[Solemn Judgment]]
* 2 [[Solemn Warning]]
{{Decklist|Zombie World Synchro V. Ace
|color = black
|color2 = orange
|monsters = 19
* 2 [[Il Blud]]
* 1 [[Dark Armed Dragon]]
* 1 [[Gorz the Emissary of Darkness]]
* 2 [[Zombie Master]]
* 2 [[Goblin Zombie]]
* 1 [[Mezuki]]
* 1 [[Plaguespreader Zombie]]
* 1 [[Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind]]
* 1 [[Mystic Tomato]]
* 3 [[Krebons]]
* 3 [[Pyramid Turtle]]
* 1 [[Malefic Stardust Dragon]]
'''Extra Deck'''
* 1 [[Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]
* 1 [[Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth]]
* 2 [[Black Rose Dragon]]
* 2 [[Flamvell Uruquizas]]
* 2 [[Stardust Dragon]]
* 1 [[Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]
Other level 6-9 Syncs.
|spells = 14
* 3 [[Zombie World]]
* 1 [[Terraforming]]
* 1 [[Emergency Teleport]]
* 2 [[Book of Life]]
* 1 [[Book of Moon]]
* 3 [[Pot of Duality]]
* 2 [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* 1 [[Burial from a Different Dimension]]
|traps = 7
* 1 [[Solemn Judgement]]
* 2 [[Solemn Warning]]
* 2 [[Bottomless Trap Hole]]
* 1 [[Torrential Tribute]]
* 1 [[Trap Dustshoot]]
Anonymous user