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Forum:Debunk for Wind-Ups

Do you guys think it's a good idea to main deck 1-2 copies of Debunk in a Wind-Up deck? Most of my game 1 losses when piloting my Wind-Up deck is due to my opponent stopping my plays with Maxx C or Effect Veiler. Although Debunk is an answer to this, I'm not sure if it will be consistent enough, especially since it is slow due to it being a trap. What do you guys think? --Gungnir298 (talkcontribs) 00:12, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

If you're focusing on the loop, "Debunk" won't help much because you can't use it the first turn. My two cents. Designless Square (talkcontribs) 21:08, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

Maining 2 and siding 1 Maxx "C" would be better.
That is unless they do the loop anyway and then activate Card Destruction and Magical Stone Excavation. (talk) 07:55, March 23, 2012 (UTC)

Designless is right there is no way to make the wind-ups more Broken I'm not sure what the anon is saying but Card destruction won't help much with stopping the chances of them getting a maxx "C" If you are really wanting to just bust up a deck and are that worried about Maxx "C", Effect Veiler, and D.D. Crow. The only card that can stop vieler and Crow that I can think of is Dragged Down into the Grave, and that won't help against maxx "C" since they will just chain it. Not to mention it will more likely hurt you more than help. Just my opinion.

Though I must ask don't people verbally berate you for using Wind-Ups.

Shinkirou 00:26, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

Is it even possible to negate the effects of Veiler and Crow without them being on the field? Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 00:55, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

There are a few traps that do that, but they need to be set beforehand and Wind-Ups prefer to not wait a turn. (talk) 01:06, March 24, 2012 (UTC)